Saturday, 25 September 2010 ;
karma gets around in the end!I had an incredibly suay day on thursday. like seriously okay. first a very important person didn't come to school D: and then we went to 7-11 during phys lecture to buy smth specially to get the mr men keychain, and then we didn't get! D: apparently it was out of stock. then my contact lens fell out during math lecture -.- and then the highlight of the day where my entire ice cream plopped onto the ri canteen floor (I'm sure the guy who served it didn't push it into the cone rarhhh) and as I was eating the plain cone like a sad kid it bwoke ): *piang* okay no, but you get the point. then it wonderfully started raining yay so I couldn't go back early to join my very important person at home, but at least I was quite productive in library haha. anyway, there were various other wavy (i.e. sway aka suay, for the uninitiated) stuff over the day as well. *pouts*oh well. I didn't particularly have a great day on friday, but one thing made me very happy :D
:D :D :D I went to 7-11 with sandra after aspen, and asked if they had those keychain thingums, and when sandra bought fruitips they asked if we were buying specially to get them so I said haha partly and they gave us two! and I was looking for mr bump and sandra got it so she traded with me ahh thankyouuu (: yay I'm really super happy with those I have now. and mr happy is still the best people, so there! hahaha and mr nosey can't help being phallic xDhaha nothing big, but we gotta appreciate the simple things in life yeah? :D okay back to mugging sigh, jiayous da jia!
[add] ohmygoodness I'm seriously lucky I hope I haven't used up all my luck on mh and the like before promos :/ I thought my tower run was confirm hopeless already, like, I was on 80% for knight-bishop, and like 50% for my first rook? but yeah I got my second rook :O and switched to sb and the catch right after that was a queen zomg. at 20%! king king king pweesh :D [/add]
-light my way
thewholeworldlookslikeshit whenyoulieinbedandnotsleepforsevenhours
Friday, 3 September 2010 ;
haha I decided to honour the tone of my originally intended post in the title. but anyways, I'm better now after some, but definitely still not enough sleep haha. and much thanks to everyone who offered me advice (: but seriously, the world was like blue-grey throughout yesterday. compared to like a sunny yellow-pink-cyan on wednesday, even though there were rainclouds! it looked way more like shit than when I stayed up for physics pt that fateful night in rg, but I guess it's cos I was actually EXPECTING to sleep.haha yesterday was seriously, well. ok but my mood was uber changed by the end of the day. luckily to be honest! I don't think I could have survived more negative waves. *splooshsploosh* yeah anyway, I think I had a spiritual experience or something haha, lying on the yoga mat listening to, uh, those yoga music things? s'been a long time man, but I really felt better (: haha and you know how sometimes you're so high on life you're scared it's all just gonna come crashing down? well maybe sometimes God lets you plunge so He can show you the beauty of rising again. not that it's been that extreme on either end for me, life ain't perfect but I still have people I love around :D but it just occurred haha, so all you people who feel helpless and hopeless- smile, there're still the little things, and it's gonna go up again (:okay I shall uh chiong compre and aq and rush off to school now heh. ciao friends, all the best to everyone with promos and pw looming!
-light my way
chers'day (thatwouldhaveworkedbetterifitwasthursday)
Tuesday, 31 August 2010 ;
my my, look at the date! I guess my plan to maintain an updated blog (well, updated in my standards at least haha) failed. missed july and just made it on the last day of august! actually I must admit: I didn't feel like posting haha. I just suddenly do now. whee.INEEDTORANTABOUTMYINSOMNIA. was that coherent? yeah anyway. it's wayyyyy killing me. you lie there, dead tired, brain frying, eyes watering, AND YOU JUST CAN'T SLEEP. I really pity insomnia people now. I think I needs a nice shoulderr~ I'mma go back on cough med tonight, but it's my last dose, so Lord please please help me tomorrow. and I hope it doesn't make me even more dependent on drowsiness-inducing drugs all over again :/which brings me to: I seriously need to start mugging. the too sick to do a thing, inability to sleep hence loads of wasted time doing nothing yet brain too dead to think, etc, for the past like week means I've done, well, nothing. even TERENCE has started revision. haha that's a sign, innit? jiayou, us all who haven't touched a thing! *shares mugging mana around*and and and, much thanks to all you concerned people! I'm really trying to get well soooooon. especially aditi and talia and most of all thou who fell sick with me and has been right there through everything with me (: wawr!haha kay shall stop here, my eyes are half shut (I hope that's a good omen for my sleep later) and chem and physics lie waiting on my desk, largely unstarted. okay make that unstarted. fare thee well blog, until next month I next feel like posting then![add] I hope class outing tomorrow doesn't fail haha! and that I don't die halfway D: must carry me back to the main island and let my loved ones know okayyy people. juuuust! okay no, but serious. [/add]
-light my way
Tuesday, 15 June 2010 ;
omg I couldn't resist just posting but woohoo I rooted my phone zomg (hopefully successfully) and flashed so running on modaco rom now, trying to get everything back to normal, htc sync works (most of the time), probably getting a screen protector soon (better late than never), and I am rather clueless on tech-y stuff to tell the truth so here's just hoping everything goes as I expect :D
-light my way
Monday, 14 June 2010 ;
ok my titles are getting more phail, nevermind. but yupp here's a short one before june floats away into CTs (omg 24p*&df767 &tgu9ejip ;'18w hyperventiliates headdesks facepalms headkeyboards facebooks ahhhhh) yeah.ECONS. IS. SCARY. it's like binomial and poisson when I was two topics behind and hadn't even flipped to the pretty title page or anything, nor had the slightest clue of the notations, or what they even were. and then you multiply that a couple of times, exponentially, to a whole SUBJECT that I'm clueless about. yepp, there you have econs. market brain failure!on a random note, I'm considering substituting all methinks to peathinks. *O* (it's a thinking pea)random note number two, bots are back up :Dohyeah and I learnt mahjong! finally 8)my mum was commenting how the system is fail cos we're (at least, I am) closer to batch than class. it makes sense what. and hurh, OG. I'm quite sad ): plus all the people whom I was relatively close to but don't get to see around much anymore. and jess D: WE WILL MISS YOUUU.well, my hols are poofing away. band, cip, allotherrandomstuffums. OH pw ugh, we're generally behind but like quite ahead when comparing within the class. I think that says something about the -extremely wonderful- teacher. plus three of our teachers are leaving! D: we're getting a lot of new (like, new to the school) replacements somemore. and OHHAITHERE econs lecture test back please, ma'am? it's not even marked finished -.- I'm so excited to see myself get zero or something of the sort. *happy frolicking*okay shall stop here. *snuggles into special shoulder spot* (I are awesomez at alliteration :D) wawrrr!
-light my way
Monday, 17 May 2010 ;
OOOOPS yeah I missed april :/ blame the, uh... uh... epic proportions of work and activities! seriously people, for the uninitiated, it's jaycee life yo.not to mention other veryimportantstuff.anyway, okay, what'd I miss? ohyeah, class camp! ok lah, but seriously, needs more than one day. day camp in school much wth wth? sad ttm. heights quite fun though, rj has facilities that rg never will. ohya and play, which was before that actually. fun! :D the kids enjoyed it yay. grawr we should've publicised more though. and eh heh heh nearly all of us forgot some line or other. oh well! joshua's 1 minute of emo rolling fame's more important than his 3 seconds of useless flapping one :p and the hot and moronic are just given. OKAY KIDDING. yupp a tempo recently, t'was a nice experience (: rj band u is really hot though, who ever knew them thin stockingmajigs were actually hot! *sweats onstage* and blazer is tight, skirt loose, sian. zomg MO's takarajima intro was epic though 8D *stomp stomp* *clap clap clap clapclap*! so mistakes, stuck keys, dropping heels, ambushing&questioning, the lack of a cheesecake and getting back late aside, it was enjoyable (:okay I'd better start getting work done, I'm way behind in like *pretends to think* oh yeah, EVERYTHING. once more, welcome to rj. section lunch/pool in a while! and hopefully this friday'll be awesome :D and while I'm on it, the rest of our lives (:
[add] on a random note, I suddenly rmbed! I did manage 30 points for napfa after all :D but like, none of the other goals heh. [/add]
-light my way
Monday, 29 March 2010 ;
here again! almost the end of the month. I decided to chuck my random physical goals here!
1. full split (achieved! :D)
2. 1 chin-up
3. 200cm SBJ
4. non-stealth abs xD
I was aiming for 30points napfa but heh prob can't lah.anw, ymc retreat was good(: best prayover so far yay, and the last session (worship) was wow. and whoops "owl needs sexuality lessons". ohya games were not bad haha! and -I likes the parish centre roof- :D darn I kinda fell sick during/after camp though :/oh and pw topics are out, I think we're rather royally screwed. and I realised that an epic proportion of our batch is gep! which reminds me, mus'art concert. eh ok lah, nice songs, but they weren't that good. I want the totoro song! and zomg (one of) the animation medley theme(s) is from it! ahh hardcore play rehearsal this week, I seriously need to start memorising script heh.kayy shall stop, can't think of/remember any important/significant stuff I want to say leh. oh I haven't gotten BBB mouse rawr.hoodie losing smell :( must rub lol!
-light my way
Sunday, 28 February 2010 ;
gasp I'm alive! well yes I am, I just haven't been finding the time to blog. finally entered everyone's contacts and birthdays lah yay, and saved fb photos to laptop that day. sheesh it's the first month of proper jc schooling life and I'm already screwing up. lack of sleep, not listening in lectures (nor tutorials if we come to that), not doing work/mugging, you name it. plus I'm already anticipating a mediocre jc life - no RD electives, sucking in my only cca, definitely not getting anywhere with acads.ok enough with the emo-ing. yay new phone! the screen's dying already though, and too late for a protector, which is like 18bucks in any case. but anyway, android! 8D this is my first attempt blogging from it btw. ohya I hope the earphones promo comes back soon!ok other life updates. og's sorta dying :( I think maybe cmi till my birthday already lah. class is quite fun(ny) haha :D batch, got a lot of new ppl! oh oh oh and the rj cats prayer group is win man 8D 20+ people on the mailing list! compared to our humble beginnings, wow. and we're actually starting to do stuff!ohya I has to choreo ymca lol whee. quite short track lah, I'm more worried about how I'm gonna have to teach the rest! oh we finally saw bonaventure's choreo today xD epicity! (I insist it's the noun for epic) I'm tempted to just make everyone do background stuff then he can like solo dance around in the middle! pelvic thrusts ftw xD yes yes anyway, must come for Play people! it should be amusing! around early april, in school. tickets are quite cheap and proceeds go to charity! mm and A Tempo yupp! jo hisaishi 8) 8) 8) love~ohyeah and I watched titanic just now! I realised there're various stuff one can gather from it lah.
1. money can't get you everywhere
2. all you have could disappear just like that *snap*
3. near the end, what's REALLY important becomes much clearer
4. there ARE people (uh, person?) who will be there with you till the end
5. spirit of a true musician; to play to the very end (eh this one is really woah ok, I think it gets overshadowed by the lovey parts other people focus on, but it seriously touched me; when you know you're gonna die, your music becomes heartwrenching)ok I shall now attempt to post this and format and all. 'night starshine, the earth says farewell!
-light my way
I Know I Didn't Post for January
Thursday, 4 February 2010 ;
^yeah, oops. but a bit hard to use comp lah.okay orientation has been relatively awesome apart from the lose phone and sprain ankle part. I LOVE MY OG :D :D :D haha we somehow manage to be epicly slack AND enthu all at once. and our signature thumb game! xD and our new HQ - raja block lol. ok we need to stop taking 2 hours to decide where to go! and the tampines people need to stop pangsehing us hahaha. ok gah I forgot most of the stuff I wanted to say (as usual) but basically I really hope we all stay closely in touch (: outing outing! I'm still sad at missing the ecp one D: haha yeah anyway our og has really nice people :D (ahaha I bet yall stalkers are gonna see this, mass convo lol.)and. I forgot.ahyes. I'm seriously zibei-ing in band lah sigh.and our class has a lot of cat high people! and a lot of sports people! :O I really hope we can get along, class is like a big part of school life!okay I shall just stop here. sheesh I really rmb having more interesting stuff to say but ohwells.ohyeah, brotherhood~ haha :D[add] ohya and I've heard the f-word like a phenominal number of times over the past week or so. sigh. [/add]
-light my way
Thursday, 31 December 2009 ;
PIOUS BULL I realised I haven't posted for december. well here's been an interesting year I guess. WHOOSHed by, honestly, why does that happen every graduating year? p6 was like vroom too. and yeah, we're all growing old and saggy. I'm truly thankful for the experiences I've had this year though, in the two very major aspects of my life - band and church. as for band, though sadly much of the passion has dwindled since syf, I'm glad that this year I got to experience the last of it, as well as to get a lot closer as a section (: in church, I thank Him for allowing me to serve at two camps with very different roles; despite the unlikeliness of which it could have been possible, things fell in place and allowed me to dedicate this time for this purpose. also, He has been by my side when I stepped up a little, and all this has allowed me to learn a great deal. and not forgetting a whole lot of awesome new friends (:band's gonna be difficult next year, honestly, seeing as how all the rest are right up there on the pro scale and I am eh heh heh but well. for obligations' sake. I should start wearing a paper bag over my head and introducing myself as bob yeah. save my dignity haha. sheesh, it sucks to suck you know. oh and for church, it's really awesome you know. I suddenly thought about it after like graduating and all those stuff. church people are people who will stay with you through life (if things go well), so it's one aspect you're not really making friends you're gonna (or are likely to) lose (in terms of contact).which reminds me, owl room! :D :D :D orange omg, can it get more awesome. hammocks ftw xDohyeah, new year's resolution. it's been the thing I've been offering up most times we're told to. I guess I need to be closer to my family, it is after all a rather large part of my life.and uh, new year confession. I've wasted about my entire 2009 on mousehunt. there. *hides in shame* haha and I'm not anywhere near stopping :pwell so with that, 2010, here we come! rijc (whatever it's still) rj and all, new chapter of band life, 2nd year as a community, cheers!
-light my way
Monday, 23 November 2009 ;
18:36:00 was quite a good month actually. besides the general emo-ness of leaving RG. which I shall try not to think too deeply about cos it really hurts ): okay starting from what I remember. farewell assembly! I think our batch song is slightly forgettable, and sounds very very much like a chinese song haha. and maybe we'll be known as the epic batch that marched in to viva la vida instrumental version! ok shall not rawr here about the cookies, but yay those I managed to find appreciated it. didn't take many photos! D:then arts fest! which was, in one word, awesome. it was seriously the best school concert ever, which I guess can be attributed to it not being purely a school concert, and the fact that so much effort was put into it. I hope band's footdrills can be that good! and and I love maryam's voice :D amigos para sempre is also emooo. and brings back st nick's memories. anyway, good job juniors! (: I wanted to get flowers but had no time D:next, birthday! which, once more, I almost didn't notice the arrival of. thanks all those who wished me :D through various forms of technological communication haha. and woohoo, I managed to chiong to church from the airport. which has sensor water coolers! *splash* and huge toilet cubicles which can like, comfortably fit a family's luggage and still have room to swing a cat or something. haha and we got wonderfully lost on the quest to find sheng siong. cheapo soap ftw! I still find the "oh, turn right." "turn right?" *swerves* funny xD whoops got back late!and then, awesome almost-highlight of the month, OWL OUTING! :D :D :D to sentosa. finally please! :D haha we didn't play much ball/frisbee though, what with half the guys avidly girl-watching. candice in the sexually-confused mound was epic xD okay and whoops we put sunblock a leetle late, so tanlines D: and peeling D: D: haha terence and jerome have bad balance xD anyway, sentosa toilets are actually quite nice to bathe in! yepp and splashing around was awesome.
then we had carl's, with it's AMAZING beef chilli cheese fries (a side dish I couldn't even finish as a meal. wow.) and salsa! and walked around abit, then camwhored on the floor of the vivo garden place lol.
so ends the night (:and whoosh, it was prom already! so besides ugly tanlines, falling dress straps, falling bra straps, falling heels diamonds, it was not bad haha. oh actually, rewind to the hotel room! so sam and I met after doing our hair respectively (yes, we were majorly pangsehed), and oops quite late alrd. then spent like forever trying to get contacts in, with my mum going "don't blink! don't blink!" *prods finger in eye* and I was like O.O till it approached then >.O and >.< O.O >.< okay you get the point. then rushed there yepp. okay I regret barely eating. but anyway, camwhored like crazy! well, no better time to do so. and in case we don't go for jc prom! :/ yepp found most of the batch and the class and other random people woohoo :D pics on fb (there was a point in time when I had 888 fb pics total, so auspicious!) haha, please ask me personally if you want any sent directly!
haha managed to expand our stayover people list to include peixin so it wasn't two people alone in a hotel room :p anyway we didn't go out frolicking after all, but camwhored more in the room! not to mention absolutely spastic lip synching phail MVs. and made full use of the interior design and various room paraphernalia (pious bull, I had to google the spelling). including the toilet.

mhmm, then chiong straight for camp! ohyes, slept at 4+, even if the annoying TOTALLY DEAFENING emergency thingy didn't ring for no apparent reason. so was like -____- for most of camp actually, considering I didn't get much sleep the next few nights anyway. ok thought I was late, but everyone was still at canteen! um fast forward, icebreakers all, confusion, etc. then chionged back and hurriedly packed like four sets of everything, then we ran back to church and somehow made it for P&W but without dinner. yepp then prep-ed for games, fun with flour and all, and realised OOPS I FORGOT TO BRING HOODIE AND TOWEL. so I called my mum at 12am heh and she came AND I REALISED I FORGOT TO BRING SLEEPING BAG AS WELL -.-
sharing a sleeping bag failed, I've no idea how jerome and terence did it xD we just ended up on the mattresses with the bag as a blanket. bleh people got up at like 5+ to our annoyance. okay skip again, games were good and people had fun I think, despite it actually being very fail from our perspective. soap race whoo! and haha to the water bombs they saved for us. of which one got thrown at a really bad place. claire... D< washing up was like SAI GANG OF THE CENTURY. we scooped around 30 buckets of drainwater, after which they told us oh oops the pump was just off. @#$%&* haha it was a good experience though. poor people who dealt with the flour as well! I remember last camp. so all our meals that day got pushed back like 3 hours, it was quite amusing. bathing was gross, as it always is in camps. lunch was not bad, all the food was quite good actually, and ohyes JEROME EATS AN AWFUL LOT! haha it's scary. mhmm then mass, and last minute joining in with prayover, which I honestly think I screwed up ): worship was good though (:
so we ended up staying till the end. 7am mass was eh oops all the service team falling asleep. like so many people stayed up the night lah, fuzzies lol. mark abraham xD well I think that's all for main events. clean up, pack up, everything, we broke camp in the early afternoon. then got aston's and went the swee's (plural) house! which is beeyooteeful. haha I barely finished half my meal, but guess who helped with the rest xD yepp then played that marble in 10 pots thingy, forgot what it's called! I think darius knows a lot of girls' games haha, with two sisters. then nap spam while they were playing taboo and the other moulding thing outside. after which, more trampoline! :D forward flip gogo! haha and finally, home but didn't get to crash till the night.
which brings me to now, and nothing particularly interesting. okay that's it! (:
-light my way
facebook steals my life away
Sunday, 25 October 2009 ;
Pearlyn Chua shall blog in status message form cos that seems to be how her brain works lately.Pearlyn Chua suddenly remembered that she hasn't blogged for october. I think.Pearlyn Chua predicts that seeing her name so much is gonna freak herself out.Pearlyn Chua needs to mug. chinese. majorly. and evidently does not know how to.Pearlyn Chua still wonders if she should bot. ok I'll hold off first, good influence people do exist haha.Pearlyn Chua respects ch'ng for being the only totally scrupulous guy mousehunter. 'sides buying sb+? (andrew still doesn't count!)Pearlyn Chua really shall go read LOTR. seriously.Pearlyn Chua is lucky to have generally nice, un-screwed up guy friends.Pearlyn Chua snorts at the rockstar catch rate difference between ship and gnawnia.Pearlyn Chua hath done nothing with her EXPIRING $10 haagen daaz voucher. leave your textbooks for a moment and mug me, people!Pearlyn Chua's hunting party shall finally do a tourney after how long ahaha!Pearlyn Chua writhes in misery. I can't do ANY of the camps ):Pearlyn Chua's verb vocab is running out.Pearlyn Chua uses rb to get rb!Pearlyn Chua starts becoming more random.Pearlyn Chua loves the whole world... boom de yada boom de yada :DPearlyn Chua kinda misses band. and the whole rgssb thing.Pearlyn Chua will be able to do a split soon yes yes!Pearlyn Chua flings poo. ignore this, non-mousehunters.Pearlyn Chua wants to go to sentosaaa!Pearlyn Chua has so far successfully started each with a different word.Pearlyn Chua sees some interesting stuff on status shuffle, seriously!Pearlyn Chua misses you (:Pearlyn Chua addresses the nagging feeling that she has a ss option essay due. okay, on second thoughts, nevermind.Pearlyn Chua now doesn't really enjoy her options. I mean, aceptable lah. but I seem to have more affinity for quantum physics :pPearlyn Chua finds this quite fun and may do it again.Pearlyn Chua should shut up and drive go now.Pearlyn Chua was right about the third statement.
-light my way
because I haven't posted this month
Sunday, 27 September 2009 ;
ahaha heng I remembered my post at least once a month thingy in time.
unfortunately, I'm way behind in exercising, I've to do like 55 more push ups and 50 more sit ups by the end of this month, which is reallyyy soon, but that's okay lah.
err as for the accumulated 7.2km left to run, eh heh heh I think I shall just carry it forward to next month.ok at the risk of this post becoming a things to do... ohwtheck. I shall just dump some anyway. WE NEED TO PROM SHOP YES. and shop, like for normal stuff. um um I've about a billion and one presents and letters to do as well. and all those get songs, organise iTunes. ahh fuggeddit, I shall stop here.I realised it's kind of bad when I start talking to myself in status message format O.o and oh, I should start using O__o right. but I swear it still just looks like, an extended bra, or smth. OKAYIGNORE.
this post is crappy. haha wells. post-EYAs feels so helpless, honestly.yay I wants to facil sec 2 camp this year :D and should I go for 50th anniversary dinner!which reminds me, WE NEED TO GO OUT! like, everyone. group date, cat class reunion, owl outing (I VOTE BEACH :D). and and julias, we need to start getting nyaa stuff in order, and rg youthgroup needs to meet, like, for the first time! ok I shall comprain about random stuff. I can't get my black widow zomggg, and pooflinger's is down or smth, I can't tell whether I should stay at caped. life of hardcore mousehunters, it's funny. meh and revision exercises.ohyes options whee! film thingy, is totally like reliving film man. for 250 bucks. but well, I likes it lah, quite fun. haha we totally scrapped our original idea man, why does that sound familiar xD shiing is awesome! yay :D and omg am I acting O.o O___o :/ anywayy. symmetry in nature! is awe-inspiring, seriously. *cues choirs of angels* and the fieldtrip sounds cool whee! and I shall gain more than a picture of a cow's butt yes yes :p AND CELESTIA IS COOL OMG GO DOWNLOAD IT PEOPLE. randomly, our galaxy has about 250 billion stars, and there're about 100 billion other galaxies. chew on that. doesn't it make you feel absolutely small and insignificant! okay I don't know about ss, first one tmr!oh yay I gots a frisbee! albeit an ri one, but whatever. I needs to learnnn.I've this feeling I had other important stuff to do on the comp, but hmm. ohwhellies. shall go read ju's blog. and help him promote. read people! scroll a little to links, justin, and try to tune out the swearing.[add] wow, colouring that was painful. I thought the touchpad was bad, until I tried the mouse. [/add][add] omg how could I forget to mention how much fun we've been having with bridge these days! but I shall not elaborate, that's risky. [/add]
-light my way
confucius is a clever man
Wednesday, 26 August 2009 ;
ok I debated whether to emo or amuse first.being a best for last, I decided on best, rg girls are absolute overachievers (holy cow till now I still spell achieve wrongly), excelling in acads, sports, arts and all its various forms, everything. freaky when I first met such people, still freaky to discover such people, will always be freaky to find such people. yes even when they're all worst, there are those who are pro in at least something, however seemingly insignificant, still something. at the very very least, they have a strong interest in something or other.I wish I was even the, for teh awesome confucius (kon-foo-shus!) jokes! which I shall put here in case I forget. but still find people to randomly tell anyway heh. and do tell me if you have any!okay in increasing humour order!confucius say, man who cut himself while shaving is going to lose face.*cues weak laughs*confucius say, girl and boy who go camping must beware of evil intent.*cues confused looks* HAH, I actually got it fast.confucius say, man who stand on toilet bowl is high on pot.haha!and the one which is a variation of an overused pun, and wunderfully started the conversation from the mention of shiing's surname (xD),confucius say, man who walk into airport door is going to bangkok.laugh, I tell you. *ignores innuendo-induced "err"s*and, of course, the very best,confucius say, woman who get laid in tomb is going to become mummy.OKAY NOW YOU REALLY CANNOT NOT LAUGH AT THAT. unless you don't get it. in which case, hah.fare thee well, back to history essay and TESTIMONIAL WTHWTHWTH *HANDS UP BLANK SHEET OF PAPER*.[add]haha, from don chapman:"Then there was the deacon who was fixated on obscure, antiquated hymns written by Isaac Watts. This hymn crank wasn't satisfied that we did a healthy dose of popular hymns - he constantly pestered me to use his favorite, "How Sweet and Awesome is this Place" in our praise sets. I have sung hymns my entire life, consider myself to be somewhat of a hymn expert and had never heard of this one. Here's the second verse of this lovely ditty:Here every bowel of our GodWith soft compassion rolls;Here peace and pardon bought with bloodIs food for dying souls.I'm sorry, but we're simply not going to sing a hymn about God's bowels in a contemporary worshiping church. I mean, fire me if you want, we just ain't gonna do it.This deacon finally worked himself up into such a hissy fit that he threatened to leave the church.Over a hymn about God's bowels."[/add][add 2]and how could I forget!epic chinese moment of the day: (besides my all-too-awesome FAIL :/)"来,我们看俊男的。。。哦,她名字叫俊男,可能哥哥叫美女。。。"LOL.[/add 2]
-light my way
Wednesday, 19 August 2009 ;
it's all about the wordplay (: yes I got a couple more mraz songs yay. literally a couple though ): I shall get his albums from jess someday!yesyes anyway! DID YOU KNOW THAT THE EQUILIBRIUM ARROW LENGTHS ARE BASED ON EQUILIBRIUM POSITION! omgomg. and hey it's not just me okay! joo didn't either, and mak was totally intrigued! honestly, we thought it was just her handwriting mannn. I feel so cheated of this fact for half a year!hooray for freaking out over/discussing chem over msn. mudlet pluffer! :D AND I IS HORRIBLY (dr horrible haha!) SCREWED. why did I fill half my cheatsheet with QA argh argh argh. AND GO AWAYY EQUILIBRIUM.incidentally, we were just done with the last peetee OF OUR LIVES. hurh. nice ending. I mean, it just had to be one with completely confusing expectations, annoying character limits, and pure wootness right? ohwell, apparently we'll miss PTs haha. I doubt it though, unless you're talking about in comparison to PW or smth lol. I could never do PTs.mhmm. back to chem. I vote we change it's name to cheem! cheemistry. AWESOMEZ :D yeah and feesics.ha la la la la.and, my other recent love. even heroes have the right to dream, and it's not easy to be me ♥ and, since dyd is coming! how wonderful, how beautiful, Jesus Your name, name above every name (:
-light my way
Sex is salty, wet and hot :O
Saturday, 15 August 2009 ;
okay, kidding. not like I would know. but seriously, considering that it's a neutralisation reaction. (if you REALLY want to know, the girl's is acidic and the guy's is alkaline) and so, acid + base salt and water! plus it's an exothermic reaction right? there you have it.AND OMG OMG HOLY MOOING COW WHAT. my mbti just SOMEHOW morphed into intp from some other site, then esfj on the one I originally used I think. (ok but J's 1%. my E's now quite high though.). AHHH. I wants my esfp back. meh. I think it's cos I put some stuff about planning ahead, but hey, it's the way they phrased the questions! like, yeah I plan on going out ahead cos I've to uh tell my parents? okay so I don't care I'm still esfp then :D oh and according to the traits listed on, I almost always have at least one from the other letter.okay so off now to, guess what.ASSASSPEETEE. no prizes.why is this familiar, I think I moaned about the previous one too haha.IZ SCREWED.30%, what on earth?and huzzah, EOYs are all like HI, WE'RE 40%/50% kinda thing. :/HALP.
-light my way
Sunday, 2 August 2009 ;
one of the few words that have more vowels than consonants! especially if you dis-count all the three-letter ones.anywayy.Some children's answers to church school questions - from the Church of England:• Noah's wife was called Joan of Arc. • Henry VIII thought so much of Wolsley that he made him a cardigan. • The fifth commandment is "humour thy father and mother". • Lot's wife was a pillar of salt by day and a ball of fire by night. • Salome was a woman who danced naked in front of Harrod's. • Holy acrimony is another name for matrimony. • The pope lives in a vacuum. • The patron saint of travelers is St. Francis of the sea sick. • Iran is the Bible of the Moslems. • A Republican is a sinner mentioned in the Bible. • Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob begat twelve partridges. • The native of Macedonia did not believe, so Paul got stoned. • The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple. • It is sometimes difficult to hear what is being said in church because the agnostics are so terrible."Conservatives say teaching sex education in the public schools will promote promiscuity. With our education system? If we promote promiscuity the same way we promote math or science, they've got nothing to worry about." - Beverly Mickens"First, God created idiots. That was just for practice. Then He created school boards." - Mark Twain"Dancing: The vertical expression of a horizontal desire legalised by music." - George Bernard Shawhaha I've loads more, but one can never quote enough. I likes the church ones though! xDD
-light my way
Thursday, 30 July 2009 ;
ahahaha I got my wysiwyg back! :D :D but I've to use on internet explorer, darn. still, praise the person who thought up of ctrl f5!anywayy. the main point. LAST PRACCC! okay, so I have decided to have a proper post after all, and woohoo I made it before the end of the month. yupp, okay, I know it's not REALLY our last prac, and it's not REALLY farewell, but still. and even though we've been practically dead/non-existent/decomposing for the past months since the syf high (indeed, the gradual drop in, well, everything actually, goes pheeeeeeeeewBOOP. I miss the high. I miss the connection. I miss the passion. I miss the love.), today sort of was, like, the END. dunno, it's just this FINALITY thing. okay I shall stop with the emphasising caps. yes anywayy, with everything, this just comes to mind:these are the times that we'll rememberbreaking the city's heart togetherfinally it's our time nowit's our time nowokay with the exception of the second line I guess. but truly. I think there's something I mentioned before, on how things are so difficult to capture and keep and treasure forever. if only my rgssb experience can be kept in a bottle, forever preserved, forever cherished, forever accessible! time and again I guess I've toyed with the idea of scrapbooking, all that. but, cost aside, I think it really cannot capture the true essence of everything, pretty though it be. okay this isn't the best time to try and reminisce about my bandlife, seeing homework calls (what's new). but I believe it's really this beautiful, magical journey, a myriad of events, emotions intricately woven in, shared with wonderful people.maybe someday I'll try to compile my thoughts on rgssb. which of course will be limited to my goldfish memory. hopefully batch videos, batch items, piece recordings, notes, presents, all that can still remind me of how much I loved, of what I miss, one day. but feelings, they're not something you can store. seeing as how we have already whammed from syf, how I think I've kind of forgotten how it is to love band, no really really LOVE band, how I've forgotten how it's like to not be top batch, how I've forgotten how it's like to have seniors though I remember enough to know that I miss it. I fear I will forget. yes, we tell ourselves, we tell others, we will always cherish these memories! we will never forget! pardon the cynicism (I really usually am not!), but I really don't think that is possible. I don't know, I've seen myself say year after year that I don't want to grow up, I don't want to leave that year behind. but I move on. I usually somehow somewhat enjoy the next year. it's definitely not like I'm saying the non-band future will be so much better, if not why would I even be talking about missing it! but the reality's still cold and hard sometimes. life goes on. it doesn't leave you behind, misty-eyed about your wonderful past experiences. new ones come, old ones shun over to make space. and so, yes, I fear I may forget.and thus even more so that I don't want to leave it all behind. 'sides the fact that I will miss like crazy all the little things we take for granted, going to the batchcorr every morning, grinning at batchmates around the school, random batch meals and outings, random section meals and outings, section interaction (the non-awkward silence ones), camwhoringgg, the very feel of holding your instru, polishing, swabbing, carrying stands, dragging chairs, moving timpani, the bandroom, its smell, lying around in it, MR OURA!, these familiar faces, these familiar actions. many we will never get to do again. like today, just before attendance(/dismissal), we realised it's the last one we'll ever take. ever. I know it's not like completely gone erased wiped off the face of the earth nada zilch, but from what I hear/think/expect, it will never ever be the same. so maybe we join rj band to prolong the experience of some stuff that we'll miss. but nope, it can't replace that rgssb-ness. that whole, *gestures wildly with open palms*, that, argh, EVERYTHING. okay sorry I'm not very coherent as of now (and as of always).but I guess, like everything, it has to end sometime. like all good things. great things. I think it hasn't really sunk it yet, we need to get together and emo sometime. but anyway, I shall do the formalities, though know that I truly mean it with all my heart. thanks to rgssb for existing to even allow me this amazing experience. thanks to the school I guess, for providing us with so much, and for bearing with our sound haha. (noise or music, you decide.) and, most of all, thanks to every single person in my rgssb journey. thanks to the teachers, though sometimes we disagree with them and all, but really we know they have our best interests at heart, and many a time they have shown concern beyond what you see from just any educator. thanks, of course, to mr oura, for his invaluable guidance, for tolerating with us through our lows both emotionally and musically, for leading us in reaching up high. thanks to the seniors, for teaching us so much, and not just in the musical aspect, for pointing the way, for offering that help and support and uh cover heh, for essentially bringing us up. thanks to the juniors, for all the little things that you do, for your random amusingness, for your trust and respect. and, to the two special bunches that mean so much to me. thanks to the section, the wonderful slww, forever awesome, thanks for the many wonderful memories of fun times, in band and out, thanks for the warmth I've been privileged to feel, for having a nice composition of great, non-ap people, for the passion I can sense. and thanks to the batch, bandoliers '09, is was and always will be, for the laughter and the tears, the joy and the fears, the happiness and the pain, in sunshine or in rain, for truly living out "I'll be there for you" in all its beauty, for sharing in the highs and the lows, for all the random times, every single moment we've spent together, indescribable love, the sense of belonging you've given me. I'll miss everyone, really really much. I can't even begin to describe how much I'll miss just simply BEING an rgssbandgirl. but that's it I guess. I could wear the collarpin proudly forever, but that won't bring back all this again. so it seems we all have a quota. you only get four years of this amazing journey, fullstop. and well, finally, it's our time now.RGSSB ♥
-light my way
reality smacks you in the face
Wednesday, 29 July 2009 ;
omggg it's nearing the end of july and I nearly missed my one-post-a-month dateline! okay I'm not really up to blogging now so I shall just leave this as a crappy post to fulfill that and um post something better when I'm more inspired yupp.
ohyes, and I miss everyoneee.
and ARGH where has all the blogger colours gone! the entire toolbar actually. rawr.
kayy. *clicks*
-light my way
Thursday, 25 June 2009 ;
has anyone ever noticed that the chicken dance song is on an offbeat but that gets ignored when people are doing the actions and all? okay totally random. haha anywayyyyyy. no change, still wasting my hols away. a normal day: wake up uber late, have breakfast, facebook, have lunch, facebook, church, bathe, dinner, facebook, sleep. mrawr. but whee, daily mass. :D :D :D and more people are addicted to ado now whoo! DO has been getting sad though. sigh when sch restarts I can only go on mondays. I'm seriously gonna miss seeing everyone everyday haha. but that currently isn't the thing I'm most worried about. :/ HW, GO AWAYYYYYEEEE.
darn, our group date failed leh, never pulled through. going out with rox tmr though! before aspen. which I've missed for the past uh four weeks or so. DIEEE. ms tay will KEEEELL. and my organic chem will flump. along with my already down there equilibrium. boo angie can't. D: our fashion advisor! how! ahh. and our dressing plan got ruined haha. :p and lol to hardcore mousehunting!
yay okay my general song ❤s (haha no idea, some are unexplainable.):
1, 2, 3, 4 - Plain White T's
1985 - Bowling for Soup
Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows
Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold
All Rise - Blue
All Star - Smashmouth
At The Beginning - (Anastasia?)
Bad Day - Daniel Powter
Believe Me - Fort Minor
Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
Bubbly - Colbie Caillat
Built To Last - Mêlée
Can You Feel the Love Tonight - Elton John
Careless Whisper - George Michael
Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
Collide - Howie Day
Crash - Matt Wilis
Don't Love You No More (Sorry) - Craig David
Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade
Geek In The Pink - Jason Mraz
Grow Up - Simple Plan (haha here actually cos I DON'T WANNA -be told to- GROW UP.)
Happy Together - Simple Plan
Here Without You - 3 Doors Down
Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's
Home - Michael Bublé
How To Save A Life - The Fray
I Can't Help But Wait - Trey Songz
I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - Aerosmith
I'll Be There for You - The Rembrandts
Incomplete - Backstreet Boys
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Just So You Know - Jesse McCartney
Leaving, On a Jet Plane - John Denver
Let Me Take You There - Plain White T's
Lonely No More - Rob Thomas
Love - Nat King Cole
Love, Me - Colin Raye
Love Story - Taylor Swift
Mad World - Adam Lambert (ahaha. ignores the original.)
My Boo - Usher ft. Alicia Keys
My Love - Westlife
Never Had A Dream Come True - S Club 7
Next Plane Home - Daniel Powter
Our Song - Taylor Swift
Our Time Now - Plain White T's
Perfect - Simple Plan
Pictures of You - The Last Goodnight
Say It Again - Marié Digby
Seasons in the Sun - Westlife
Shake Your Pom Pom - Missy Elliot
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Skyway Avenue - We The Kings
Stacey's Mom - Fountains of Wayne
Suddenly I See - KT Tunstall
Sway - Michael Bublé
Teardrops on My Guitar - Taylor Swift
That Thing You Do - The Wonders
The Reason - Hoobastank
To Be With You - Mr. Big
Tongue Tied - Faber Drive
Truly, Madly, Deeply - Savage Garden
Unbeautiful - Lesley Roy
Untitled - Simple Plan
Viva la Vida - Coldplay
What Hurts The Most - Rascal Flatts
When You Say Nothing At All - Alison Krauss (okay I think I'd prefer a male artist one)
Where Is The Love - Black Eyed Peas
You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins
You're Beautiful - James Blunt
okay whee. considering I have a very limited music vocab. VERY. and I may have missed out some haha. darn, I wanted at least one for each letter but ohman heh. kay, finally! :D
-light my way
Saturday, 20 June 2009 ;
I want a balcony like sam's. I could spend like forever there, alone or with friends. but I wouldn't get anything done with life, I'd just spend all my time thinking ABOUT life. but it's really so awesome, to stargaze (un-stacelike, of course), lie in music or silence, talk to Him. sleep, smile, think, cry. I WANTS ONE.
okay not like I am getting much done with life. I've totally wasted my entire hols away (ok well not really wasted in that sense, but basically haven't done anything academically productive), and ohmyfreak hols are almost over, and since I got back from camp I've been spending half my time sleeping and the other half on the comp, mostly fb. or else simply drifting and daydreaming. yeesh.
on another note, whee, ytd was like an awesome band birthday :D well planned, much thanks to (the rest of) my section (since I've been sleeping and drifting rmb, all I did was like spark off ideas :/). sadly we got chased out of amk hub, but the bishan park stuff was relatively fun. and WOAHH we all fit into sam's house, and dipped our feet in her pond, and poledanced around her bamboo trees, and did many awesome jumpshots on her lawn. haha ohyes, and our pizza was good :D 'sides the fact that that would be my third time I'd eaten pizza this week. fattttttttt.
and I kinda miss having braces. and I want to continue going for daily mass! but I'm already being banned from all activity for the last lap of hols to, uh, catch up so. :/ *cries* no more group date and direct outing! D:
As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after you
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you
You're my friend and you are my brother
Even though you are a king
I love you more than any other
So much more than anything
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you
I want you more than gold or silver,
only you can satisfy.
You alone are the real joygiver
and the apple of my eye.
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you
-light my way
Thursday, 18 June 2009 ;
These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.
ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?
WITNESS: He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?'
ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
WITNESS: My name is Susan!
ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
WITNESS: Yes . ;
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget.
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
ATTORNEY: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo?
WITNESS: We both do..
WITNESS: Yes, voodoo.
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He's twenty, much like your IQ.
____________________________ ______ _________
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid
ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
___________________________________ ______ ___
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.
ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the circus was in town, I'm going with male.
_____ ________________________________
ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WIT NESS : The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNE SS: If not, he was by the time I finished.
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
WITNESS: Are you qualified to ask that question?
And the best for last:
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
credits: vickaye!
-light my way
Tuesday, 16 June 2009 ;
I think our confi camp was when the seed was sown, and this was fertiliser for the already sprouting plant. I didn't actually cry, but there were many almost-teared. and I think I really went into a deeper level of worship (: my sharing was eh heh, but the rest were really good. haha and I think the three of us work awesomely together!
go group 6! :D mhmm, and I think after praying with, I really felt the true joy of the Lord, I couldn't stop smiling. (: and He was leading me all the way through, even though I was very much at a loss of what to say, and brandon did say stuff too after all! and after my first touchtime I stood beside the scrolls and thanked Him, and prayed before my second, and the scroll I got began, "Christ will appear a second time." how great is that? beautiful. we also saw some amazing transformations. "Praise the Lord!" Psalm 149:1. haha fuzzies till 2+am the last night. and I found out the sad story of the batch above us D:
sadly, that call right after the end of camp kinda slammed everything from the past 4-5 days, it was seriously like some steadily rising balloon being shot. sigh. but well, felt much better after spending half an hour in ado today (: and ranting I guess haha, thanks! ♥ and whee so many confirmands came for mass today. DO was like woah, father's office was full and overflowing haha. like God's love. I really hope that it doesn't just end here and die off for everyone, but it will take root and continue to grow, like it did for us.
and sitting in ado today, I realised that the lyrics of So You Would Come really touches me. I was that close from tearing.
Before the world began
You were on His mind
And every tear you cry
Is precious in His eyes
Because of His great love
He gave His only Son
Everything was done
So you would come
Nothing you can do
Could make Him love you more
And nothing that you've done
Could make Him close the door
Because of His great love
He gave His only Son
Everything was done
So you would come
Come to the Father
Though your gift is small
Broken hearts, broken lives
He will take them all
The power of the Word
The power of His blood
Everything was done
So you would come
and I am in love with Worthy Is the Lamb too (: singing in the shower ftw :D I can't believe they heard us :/
Thank you for the cross, Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace
Thank you for this love, Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace
Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious
High and lifted up
Jesus Son of God
The Darling of Heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb
I thank You so much for this opportunity; I will definitely do it again. maybe our facil tree will continue to grow too! freeman-gracemary-me :D and I'll prob want to go for the next youth camp yay. go with me (:
-light my way
I wonder if you can ever run out of love
Thursday, 4 June 2009 ;
one happy, exhausted person (:
it was a great band camp, despite being a day camp. probably one of the best in fact. okay maybe the first day wasn't too impressive. fast forward, captain's ball! :D I very smartly had loose shoes and fell within like, what, the first minute -.- but yay I got to play again. and we won whee! sec3s were really good though (: [oh and I found out who the "I'm gonna die" person is.] then sweaty and gross we tramped into the band room and stunk it up for the first of many times over the next 48hrs. and I decided to bear with it and not change cos special programme was apparently "physical. VERY physical." haha.
kay section interaction started off kinda phail, since apparently (like mutual sharing) we were supposed to "stick to the agenda, don't play games or take section photos", but well, we ended up doing the latter two anyway. many failed attempts and an awesome jumpshot later, we played like one/two rounds of truth-or-dare which saw joanne dancing around gloria the pole (hey I noticed the SL is always the pole! :p). and then a rather phail honey I love you. lesson of the day? WE HAVE WEIRD SEC1S. but well I comforted myself that everyone was weird in sec1 so hopefully they'll grow up fine. but seriously. they took like, 20min? to attempt a honey I love you, and one heavily punctuated with giggles too. and during lunch (or was it tea), their argument over the cuteness of portable toilets. like OKAYY.
direct taking was spent looking for mr mizar/ trying to call mr mizar/ finally meeting with mr mizar, but we also took perseus for a bit. hm there're still stuff to work on, but they've both improved so much (: haha batch bonding became like batch sleeping, with some of us listening to music etc. at least the sec1s (supposedly) spent it planning what to spend the next day's one doing! xD
war games were quite pointless haha (the first part), firstly cos the area was too small to really run, then plus the rules were such that everyone ended up just standing at the midline and staring at each other/ doing the can-can. and then people started trying to find loopholes, which made it not fun already if we actually did it that way haha. vivian was awesome though :D zoooom. then the mass one was at the field so bigger space, but in the end it became like just random running, getting caught, and getting saved. cos people didn't even know like where the castles actually were. but still quite fun la haha. oh I amazingly avoided/outran everyone who tried to catch me, then smashed headfirst into xinyi -____- haha after that we took band photos in the hot sun, a funny greenuncle helped us take. then, even more sweaty, we hit the band room again. (they had to air it out afterwards lol :p) and this time I REALLY had to change haha so yupp.
after dismissal we hung around the band room for a bit. camwhored, played with balloons (I want D:), and happily got one stuck at the aircon :O haha and whoo I found out that I'm not bad at limbo-ing , but it's probably just cos I'm short(er) haha. yupp then we all crashed far east for dinner, no surprises there. shared mogu mogu with julia, yepp they cut prices (still not exactly cheap though), and a full house bubble tea. then we headed off for sam's house. had an interesting bus ride talking with julia about juniors and the future of the band and all. and got totally confused and freaked out when walking in from the bus stop even after shunning the responsibility of remembering the way out. cheem! haha anw, wii-ed the rest of the night away after a nice shower, and gave up the idea of sleeping on her skydeck. aww! anw jess adn I decided to stop being anti-social and finally went down, to be greeted by like 10 mattresses in various positions across her living room and dining room. woah. yupp, with a mattress each and a nice blanket, I had a good sleep.
woke up the next day when the birds did, again when alarms rang, again when talia left. but got up only after my own alarm. had an awesome donut breakfast, thanks sam's dad! he also fetched us in batches to the bus stop so we needn't have worried about the way out. the bus took uber long, and drove uber slowly, and we ended up late, and thereby scolded afterwards :/ batch bonding was fun and productive (unlike the previous haha), we did the write a sentence, pass, draw it out, fold, pass thing. the end results were hilarious! xD there were a lot of recurring themes lol, like jolyn, apples, and clowns. and uh hairy things. eh heh and I kinda spent direct taking on fb. lunch was batch lunch, and I didn't share this time haha. and there's nothing wrong with pineapples! nor ginger but less people will agree with me on this one so nevermind.
then it was amazing yellow race (omg you know I only connected the yellow with the location clues paper colour quite long later ahaha) whee! I think games this camp were the best, at least different from the usual station games, although some groups cheated and skipped stations. haha the first game was crazy, they damn smart lah, make us run up run down run up run down. then cherades which was super easy lol, band member or conductor. the listen to band song and hum one was slightly screwed firstly when I can't hum (but yay they got all anyway) and secondly cos our station mistress got a call AND ANSWERED IT in the middle of our game lol. the quiz was like, BOOM, suddenly test academics somemore haha. unfortunately both dot and I had thrown away all P&C knowledge heh. the jigsaw and blurred pics one was fast. and the canteen pne we totally wrecked our newspapers haha! oh and that thing totally showed it was the luckiest day of my life or something. 1st question, composer of pioneers, I knew cos well, I like pioneers. 2nd question, fourth song of cadenza, I randomly started guessing with aquarium cos uh I remembered it for being the most boring, and woah, correct! then 3rd question, how many time changes are there in overture 1, I spouted the first number that came into my head, three, then OMG CORRECT :O haha our group totally owned first game, although we got held up at first location, but got caught up with afterwards. especially cos AHEM some people skipped stations. go paris! romantic, sophisticated, charming, and most of all francais :D shouting go paris go around the track for one round totally murdered my voice, which is why I can't sing/ sound funny now, cos I was totally forcing and ended up being like the volume of the rest of the group besides dot added together haha.
everyone was so amazingly fast that we were way short of the planned time for games lol, so they had a "surprise programme", section interaction! didn't go expecting much, but it ended up like THE MOST AWESOME PART OF CAMP :D crashed a new J block classroom for the aircon. and we played games like conquering which was quite mind-wracking haha. and my impromptu-thought-up-of I never hangman, which turned out quite amusing haha. we must do it more often d: then we had to move to an upper classroom cos greenmen had to clean, and had tea. shh! finished up the previous day's famous amos and digestives. and yupp the sec1s were weird and laughy again. milo-spurting alert! haha and many things were generally funny lah :D yay I think it's good that we're quite close to the sec3s and the sec3s are quite close to the sec2s and the sec2s are quite (in comparison. haha will get more one la!) close to the sec1s.
when we went back the entire band was there already :/ so we followed off for mutual sharing. ahh I was such a fail head, even with borrowing the agenda from peixin. the stuff were kinda hard to talk about, and delia was quite quiet haha. I was totally boring everyone with like my rgssb life story or something ohman. I don't know lah, it's really hard to talk about such a thing, to describe such a love in words, to paint out such a journey of four years in five minutes. it's really something you have to live yourself to understand. and I hope they do/will(: okay when I got back and stopped worrying about what to say and about droning, I sorta started emo-ing heh. farewell pang again. sighhh. visioning session, I wrote a totally kimdergarten-ish hope, but it was totally heartfelt, so yay :D letter was messy ohdear, but completely heartfelt too(:
then as usual dillydallied for a long while before finally leaving for section dinner heh. went far east instead of lido, I think it's become our new section dinner place already haha. fountain instead of escalator, for the aircon hahaha. initiated joanne into pastamania-eating! and shared meatball penne with gloria, and a big gulp too. mmmm. haha whee and we treated the section to an apple crumble pizza, and now 2nd june is officially slww day! (: nope we didn't embarrass ourselves by playing games like I never hangman in the middle of a public area :p but definitely in other ways like lying around the staircase for section photo heh. guilty as charged. and took various direct photos and photos with the sec3s (: haha I am still amused by the hugging thing. nevermind, farewell xD ohyes and lesson of this day: OUR SECTION IS LARGELY PAEDOPHILIC :O hahahaha. and quite a number of our section like blue and don't like pink. that was me in primary school! haha had quite interesting/fun/nice conversations for the rest of that night. found out that I'm not the only one who emos when I blogsurf! haha but omg sheryl you must stop being so emo. jumping-off-building thoughts are wayyy overboard. lol and joanne, who has no control over her eyebrows (and shoulders. offbeats! xD)! yupp, finally had to leave, and did, very very happy about slww and very very emo about farewell.
I think I've never felt like I love SLWW so much before! :D so that was my happy ending to band camp (: but that night, I had to actually pray that my heart would remain intact on farewell D:
and I'd like to thank You so much Lord, for my awesome co-facils (: and our awesome chemistry. all nokia fans, who have/have had 5610 music Xpress! may camp be an enriching experience for us all, as well as the sec3s of course, and may all go smoothly. daily mass, gogo!
-light my way
Wednesday, 20 May 2009 ;
HAHA I haven't felt my teeth since more than a year ago. they feel funny now. and I'm already missing being able to whistle my F's! pft, and apparently metal's not much diff/actually worse. prays they won't disappear into the bin like many before them! ok haven't even gotten anw so haha. ahh, sat have to wake up early for open house (what's new), but then after our performance slot gotta chiong to dentist then chiong back (ohyes not forgetting changing out of band u of course :/) and man film booth. oh whee we're getting our film posters! (: A1. $8 though, ouch. and booooo screwed solo.
okay I have resolved to train at least one of running, sit ups and pull ups every weekend. I WILL DO IT. 5BX died off like one month after haha. but how many ppl actually even continued it after obs okay! haha and I should kind of do the water diet thing. whenever I'm hungry when I'm not supposed to be, drink water. instead of bingeing. unless I'm like some bloated fish on water already lah.
and whee we has a date :D :D :D on friday. I must go scavenge for money now haha. ohman, and I hope they don't keep us back for the open house stuffs :/ cos after that still have to rush for aspen! hahaha we need to buy _. and _! and conveniently, _. (okay I admit that I'm not actually thinking of stuff to fill in the blanks with myself. I just know there're some stuff haha.)
yay! okay I has a full hols. ahh confi camppp :D (ok crap 'sides sharing :/) and all the prep and daily mass that comes with it. and 2 day band day camp haha -.- but whoo we found a solution to our problem! (meh, typed problem to our solution lol) WE LOVE YOU (and your ponds)! :D andandand GROUP DATE :D haha and of course band. commanders' traininggg. and the HI-I-AIN'T-GETTIN'-OUTTA-YOUR-FACE tuition bahhhh. not forgetting all the little throw-ins like bandfusion bbq and light classical pop. plus the teachers are obviously gonna pile us with way much stuffs as usual. rawr, PTs D:
ohyes and my doodle album. um considering I will probably never stop drawing, it will probably never be uploaded hmm. haha ok maybe I shall just do it in series. so when I stop on pauuu! ahh but pau are so fun to draw :D haha shoosh jess, I don't care if they look cuter with legs, they're PAU.
kay, I really should sleep more/earlier haha.
-light my way