Monday, 24 September 2007 ;
this is what pearlyn does when she is bored and stressed. it's so much of a better stress-reliever than binging, and I'm fat enough already.Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars,
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars.
to be continued... when pearlyn has more time, is stressed/bored again, has access to the comp, and isn't chionging rs.
-light my way
Sunday, 23 September 2007 ;
hey I realised that we live a lot by these theories:1) Murphy's Law - "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way."2) Ostrich Anatomy - "I can't see you, you can't see me."haha like whenever we're doing really weird things, guess who will appear. and when who does appear, we look down pointedly and voila, ostriches. like that time at fareast, both theories working simultaneously man. poof, and I practically dug a hole in my book and buried my head in it. oh wow I'm starting to sound more and more like jess.oh anw and today, something wonderful happened. I bought sweettalk peach italian soda with mini pearls for $1.20! like omg! ask me where I got it. ((:andd facebook craze! hahaha. likeness quiz is cool! and freaky to find out who you're most alike to. |:bah should go and mug now. haven't even started mugging! everyone seems to have started mugging. >.<
-light my way
Saturday, 22 September 2007 ;
omg omg omg I'm high AHH the saxophone instructor (keiji shimoji) really sent the cd all the way from japan!! ahh omg! and the front of the envelope is like covered with stamps! ahh omg thank you thank you thank you! this is what he wrote on this pretty paper with some music notes:Dear PearlynThanks for your email.I send you my CDThis is a present for you.Please enjoy your life with Saxophone.07.9.17 Keiji SHIMOJI((: and he's prooooo. ok I'm gonna add lotsa songs to my ipod today. sorry no relevance I know haha.
-light my way
Sunday, 9 September 2007 ;
I want to learn how to vibratoooooooo! me and kejia kejia and I (bah my engrish) asked the instructor today, and he said must use jaw (the wah-oo thing), throat (like singers) and diaphragm (like fluboes) altogether! |: sigh we shall go qing3 jiao4 guoling sometime soon.anyway, the instructor is super super cute ok! kawaii! (ok that is so not me.) but he's like this little man jumping around! haha and he was not very tall so he was standing on a chair conducting us omg so cute! ahhh and he's damn pro he does like arpeggio run-ups like a random warmup and his vibroto is WOAH. oh and serena you know your little gold ribbon on the bell? we were all supposed to go up and play a scale one by one then he saw the ribbon and he said something about "beautiful! must play like that!" then he held the sax and showed it to everyone haha.
oh and I still am not sure whether he's seriously gonna mail his cd to us from japan when we email him our address! that's like omg so nice! haha we were like asking how much it costed then he was like "present! present! (but he pronounced it pree-sent) free, free!" haha I really think he's very cute haha. he talks like mr oura! they all did!oh and omg the woodwind quintet is damn pro lah! so sad we were late. when we were standing outside listening we thought it was a full band ok! and hmm I think the horn woman was taking the place of the sax guy who was like late with us. I mean like horn in a woodwind quintet? haha. but cool anyway!yay yay yay I actually finally get circular breathing! and I can do it blowing on my finger but I haven't tried on my instru. I prob can't cos it's a lot harder, so I need to build cheek muscles haha. wiki site on circular breathing! look under method. I shall go find some vibrato site later. oh today we were playing some song and the first alto score is freaking A LOT harder than the second's ok! luckily most of us played second. and there was high high G like omg! I'm currently looking everywhere for the fingering. oh oh they said sax altissimos are harder to reach than other woodwind instrus. so if I can, yay! ((: emphasises if.
-light my way
Saturday, 8 September 2007 ;
hahaha it was really fun. amazing buckmazing race was um interesting! the aces rountine thing was damn spastic haha sorry has. we were the only grp who took note of tecnicalities! (hang on is it spelt that way.) and ee I don't care we should have won the ping-pong ball game we thought up of the most number of ways can! every ping-pong ball we used a diff way. haha and sydney and her cherades. like ahemahem and she was jumping around with the heart. X)and sentosaaaaa! I tanned! ok no I don't think I tanned much but I don't care I feel tan! -.- my shorts tanline and sleeve tanline became more pronounced again haha. but besides that I'm still quite white chicken-ish. poor cheryl and elizabeth! red and pink respectively! haha. and stupid slipper blister lor and stupid salt water make it so pain so I couldn't join in water bombs. )): I shall never wear slippers with the in between toe thingy again! ok yeah right cannot survive. well never for any amazing race that requires running around orchard lah.
and omggg I feel so slow ok I didn't realise srruthi was my class pit until she said "I didn't realise you're from 210." and then was like "huh? what about me being in 210..." then I stared at her for a while then I was like ohohOH! hahaha.sigh and I felt really extra. : anw I think massdance shall do well next yr! sydney is really a good head. (: oh and farewell. hmm it was like sad-ish but funny-ish especially at has and mich's umbrella dance hahaha. but it was really hurried and in house I suppose it's not that emo.hey has I really think it's like a sign ok. like you and nora! you should pursue your dream. I dunno, maybe talk to your mum more about it? but therapist is cool anyway! (:hey I discovered a new smiley! ._. so cute right haha. I hope it comes out properly in my blog font. .-. upside down haha!okay shall stop. not supposed to be using comp now. : hmm I shall post a couple of comm camp pics! (:
sydney's wonderfully amusing expression!

our buckle bollywood cheer!

THE camwhorers.

woke up at like 5.45am and went to shower cos we couldn't sleep haha. the sky was beautiful! but couldn't take the stars so here is a blurry picture of the moon haha. -.- sorry it looks like a muffled jellybean. >.<
oh yes I suddenly rmbed something! we got up at like 12+ after step up and went to a water cooler. guess which one? the squash court one! O.o it actually wasn't scary at all, cos it was quite bright around, and there were a suprising number of cars on the road outside.
oh and when we went to bathe right, it was so peaceful haha. we were like the only ones awake lah. then when we went back everyone was like -_- zzz hurh? who bathed alrd? siao ah. zzz. haha. and scary incident of the year... drumroll... we were bathing then the auto-sensor lights offed on us and we were thrown into pitch darkness in the middle of the dark dawn! omg super scary cannn! and the water was still running chillingly cold. then I said one of us had to get out and walk past the stupid sensor and grace did it.
oh yah and someone stole my towel during the camp hmpf. I think they took the wrong towel cos if I'm not wrong there was one towel left after we vacated the gym and it was definitely not mine, but light pink and white are quite similar. hmm.
-light my way
Wednesday, 5 September 2007 ;
hello! haha I bet sam and jess had lotsa fun baking. I wanted to go too! but parents didn't allow. ): cos apparently "holidays are for studying and not relaxing". bahh. sam, please tell me jess and eggs didn't come together to produce something bad like one big messy sam's kitchen? =P I rmb the "EGGS. JESS KEEP AWAY!" we had to scrawl on the ntuc plastic bag last time. X) ok and tell me again why the cookies are square? :
ohman pearlyn needs to stop slacking. ok too late. hols are nearly gone, have buckle comm camp tml and fri (boo actually I shouldn't go since I'm gonna be kicked out after all ): ) and wasbe instrument workshop on sun, and I've hardly started my hw! >.< which reminds me, I haven't packed for buckle comm camp. |: *whacks head* STOP SLACKING YOU TOOTIFIED POOTHEAD! (quoted - maryam)
oh and haha apparently I must stick to keyun like jackfruit glue (haha sorry random. reminds me of the facial foam my mum just bought for me. _"_ at least it didn't stick to my face like jackfruit glue. ___"___ ) because every time I leave her our rs mentor will appear. : so I must either never meet her or never leave her! haha. and ps our rs is dying DEAD. pouts. ok bye! must stop slacking. yeah right.
oh oh I shall upload react pics that have nothing to do with react! ((:

triplet pic with mummy! X)

SB pic! haha zomg we look like a traffic light.

Gloria! ahh she looks so cute and innocent!

EeIyn! cute but NOT innocent!

blurry pic, sam with a spastic expression

blurry pic 2, sam with a completely different spastic expression
-light my way
Tuesday, 4 September 2007 ;
hmm okay yesterday was quite an interesting experience. -.- hahaha shuhui is super funny! go severus snake! (((: snake, snake, severus snake; snake, snake, severus snake, DUMBLEDORE! d: eew ok I'm not used to using tongue smileys. ok this shall be the few times I'll not blog abt the entire day's happenings of band events, but leave it off simply with: it was quite fun. (: oh and we had a pathetic batch dinner of 4 ppl. -.-today I had some really interesting convos. hmm. and really sorry peixin I had to run away! parents came back haha. anw keyun ah tsktsk. we will protect you!to sum it all up, what can I say? band needs hotter guys. XD
-light my way