Wednesday, 30 April 2008 ;
omg I just stared at the blank blogger post page for 3min wondering how to start my post woooot. anw the main point is. THEY HAVE STARTED. THE EVIL MYAS WHO HAVE COME TO TAKE OVER THE LIVES OF RGS GIRLS. rarh. [random] miss ong wrote a rarh on my essay hahaha ohmygoodness. she was like "write examples! rarh!" I think. [/random] anw, ss was, well... ok la, could have been worse. I'm super lucky I finished like gang gang hao la. like 3mins to go. and CHEM. yes CHEM. D: I totally screwed up all the ideal gas law qns and the last two big qns. and my lewis structure is wrong bah. amongst other screwups. like the haemoglobin one!anw, can tell that we are all looking a lot forward to the end of the MYAs. looking forward a lot. ahya whatever. HAHA CLUB OF THE SLEEPIES! :DD angie fell asleep and dreamt abt not sleeping for 5 days. evan fell asleep and had to reschedule tuition. I fell asleep attempting to mug physics and zzz-ed for 2hrs and woke up and was stuck. like physically unable to get up. [PHYSICally haha! -.-] shows what a terror physics is. yeah anw, my wonderful post-MYA schedule!wed (after math!) - originally wanted to go orchard road and throw notes like graduation throw caps like that but decided against it haha. so we may be popping balloons that say MYA. anw THAT IS NOT THE POINT. haha evan and I shall have a longg audsea session! xDthurs (math ra paper, hol for us) - ice skatingggggg! hopefully. haha I was considering volleyball at sentosa or smth but some of yall haven't taken volleyball yet right? (rgp one doesn't count! it's fake! made in china!) whee we can speed again! and I shall continue to work on spinning at will. and 720degree! rawr.fri (the TRUE end) - ______! haha sam and jess will know what I'm talking abt. oh btw whowho? just _______ or _______ also? though the latter a bit weird. and early. haha. how bout ______? [cloze passage hint: thinks fruit basket] whee and what? later get freaky candlewax-like things again! :\ yupp then aspen rawr do I have to be reminded of chem.sat (finally a free weekend!) - rgp band! ok I'm not honestly excited abt that part of it, I'm very scared they'll be super ap and stuff (which according to sheryl, prob yeah), but DUET SCORES MUAHAHAHA! :D I really hope they're still around! and that I can find a way to get copies. like bring a cam and take pics or smth. I'm very tempted to go there and yell my head of at them if they're ap, but you know ap ppl. be reasonable, they roll eyes. be unreasonable, they get pissed. grah. then after that, braces! hope it doesn't hurt anymore this time. okay I have resolved to get one colour and be safe. or are there any upcoming colour-based events? and the day has to end with jiang. -.- sigh.but still! after 2 weeks of being wrapped in the chains of (unsuccessful) mugging! woohoo!ok there's still a long way to go. D: we must all jiayou and mug hard! haha for EYAs let's get each other ceramic cups then say "MUG HARD!" haha gerrit! ok exams really get to people's brains lol. thinks peixin's "slapping my kneecaps" variations to the tunes of diff songs, with a finale of "ouch! now my kneecaps are so hot! ah they're reddd!". xDD okie. to physics I go. pfft.
-light my way
Sunday, 27 April 2008 ;
whee I shall post some interesting quotes (koped from my facebook profile, which is running outta space) here.
"make love, not war" -sticker on a postcard"please circle gender: male/SMART" -angie"all stars are in orbit in outer space. jay chou is a star. therefore, jay chou is in orbit in outer space." -philo notes"it's happening, you know! singapore got nightlife, not bad man! I wish I were young again." - mr ganesh"rinsing your mouth when you have braces is fun. you can go like 'oh look there's that carrot I had for lunch!' " - rebecca"jack russel? which actor is that?" - mum's colleague"blue coral bubble tea? my mum would take one look at it and send me to drug rehabilitation or something." - jess" laiboratary shafety sowershelling (ceiling)glinner (cleaner)cowersoos (covered shoes)ninjadada (ninja turtles. while talking about the sign on the sharp object bin. go figure.)“hazard warning signs allow the gahmen to warn terrorists who might make suicide bombs.”“before you begin any experiments, rape the navel.” (serious, this is not any product of my warped imagination, both Stacey and Sam heard this too okay! and if you’re wondering, it’s read the label.)No Personal Belongings On To Be Placed The Bench. (which we interpreted to mean, no personal belongings on which to be placed the bench. ie, don’t put the bench on your stuff. yeah, yknow, I so needed a talk to tell me that.)Broken Glasses In Protective Bin.Sharps Must Be Kept In The Sharp Bins.And the best for last:title of slide: What Are Wrong Here?“No lab coat.”“GRAMMAR!!”title of next slide: What Else Are Still Wrong Here? "- jess' blog"girls, you must be PUNCTUATION (punctual)." - mr ng"pikachu, I choose you!" - NSman, on throwing a grenade (yes i'm serious)"but you look like her! like totally!" [pause] "ohmygoodness you girls are a bad influence!" - mr ow"He took the bread, gave You fangs (thanks) and said-" - priest"braabraabraa (blablabla)" - lao shi"boomboomboom (blablabla [? I know.])" - madame villian"is it the balls thing?" - renee, on Galileo's discoveries"last night I had a blocked nose, and in the middle of the night, I woke up because I heard someone snort. Then I was like "Huh who's that" and it turned out to be me." - miss ong (ONGland!)"and now buttercup will serve instead of mojo jojo..." - miss teo on analogy of volleyball rotation"meet is just meet. interact means they DO SOMETHING TOGETHER." - gloria (EXACTLY. I don't believe it either.) clarifying definition of coasts, 'zone of land that meets and interacts with the sea'"what can you see on a weather vane?" "a chicken?" - geog lesson"Eat a pancake.Or a moose?Perhaps some cheese instead.Nah, I'll have a banana, thank you.Or maaaaaybe....... a goose pie!Actually I'll have fries with that.Scrap that, wtheck, I'll have the pancake after all." - angie, on a random streak"you're so dead." "are you depressed? you ought to be." "you already learnt this is sec 2." - ms goh's quotes found on yearbook"we're all gonna die anyway, so just turn on the aircon lah!" "don't turn off the lights, I can't see myself!" - mr ganesh's quotes found on yearbook"you know I have hairy legs, then when I was in NS my room mates wanted to shave them but I didn't let them. then one time I woke up in the middle of the night and felt PEOPLE around me, then I opened my eyes and saw everyone standing around. they even had a razor and shaving cream! so I ran away. can you believe it, they wanted to shave one stripe down each leg okay! so when i go for morning run..." - mr ganesh, reminiscingokay now to continue mugmugmugging...
-light my way
Thursday, 24 April 2008 ;
I want to migrate to australia forever and never come back. and rear sheep. moo. WAIT sheeps sheep don't moo. RARH. (me, not the sheep) be afraid. be very afraid. MYAS ARE COMING. "are you depressed? you ought to be." "you're so dead." haha famous quotes. and "you already learnt this in sec 2." though it's not directly relevant haha.yes anywayy I AM SO DEAD. hey I am trying ok, I will write a study plan and I will try not to waste time and I will come home early to mug and I will mug my head off and I WILL pass MYAs. [what self-deception.] and I have already gone on an official letter-writing hiatus for the whole period of time. unless I really need something to take my mind off mugging for a while and my instru's not with me.which reminds me. HOW TO SURVIVE WITHOUT BAND FOR HALF A MONTH. I may just kill myself grah. and if I don't get to indiv I'll sound like weorhqwieujmwopurpov (<- meaning the sound itself, not [crap] heh) when I get back. but yay! I've found (or so I hope) the secret to a better tone. ok no rephrase rephrase, I've found the reason why sometimes I sound relatively acceptable and sometimes I just sound like weorhqwieujmwopurpov and saliva-ry and [more] metallic [than usual]. IT'S THE LEVEL OF THE REED. when it's like hairline level (isn't that where it is supposed to be though) I sound bleh and when I push it up a bit more it sounds better! (: whee. I will continue to experiment and try to prove the theory right. I think it's just me actually. like the kejia thing, where she suddenly couldn't really play 3 then she tried 3.5 then woah. like grow out of it haha. but I cna't find any 4.5s haha if not I would have tried long ago. well for now I'll just push it up then.anyway again. I AM GOING TO DIE. ok let's go in order.fri (tomorrow):english paper 2. compre is mood-swingish. can get really low or quite high. vocab is just D: all the time. (giam says "read the thesaurus!") summary is not bad. (: (at least there's ONE things I don't suck AS MUCH in.)wed 30 april:SS. diediedie. I don't really know what's going on during lessons. hey I mean it's all propaganda and stuffs! though I think it has worked on me. and like in history (since after sec 1) I can't seem to crap well anymore.chem. amazinglyyyy I kinda get it. as in I'm not so bad with chem than like physics. just need to do more practise, rmb when to write and when not to write units (the school is being so hypocritical), GO FOR ASPEN, and go back and mug everything before mole concept because very honestly all I can rmb studying is mole concept.fri 2 may:geog. [I tell you there's something wrong with her. seriously. but it's a positive change I suppose haha. maybe it's just the lame bug. it's easy to catch! (punpun! XD)] anw. okayy la I suppose. just go memorise (whee memorising is probably the easiest kind of mugging. for dumb ppl like me.) all the concepts of weathering. and wth la they started on coasts like 2 wks before MYAs and it's TESTED. like, what?! I don't even know what about coasts are we supposed to know. ohwhells.mon 5 may:HCL paper 2. can you believe it my chinese is improving! :D I passed ting xieeeee! haha anw. duan wen tian kong is hopeless fullstop. avg of 6/20. bestbest was like last yr EYAs. 12/20! omg I think that was like the ONLY time I passed can. compre is like english lor, depends on whether I gerrit, or don't gerrit. the latter I just take the words that appear in the qn, find them in the passage, then copy down the whole para where they appear. -.- summary I'm AMAZINGLY quite ok at it. :O if my english and chinese summary both not bad how come my blog posts so long. -.-physics. the one. the only. the killer. (ok no there's still math.) DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE. *dies* see I actually suited my actions to my words. waves and sound are still a bit fuzzy, but a lot better than light and its reflection and refraction, and ray diagrams and refractive indexes and critical angles and whatnot. sigh. and she doesn't even chase us for ws, and I don't know how to do many anw (and no time), so I have 99.9%(3sf) of ws undone. I think I only fully completed 1 ws so far this yr. wow genius. so basically, do as many of those backdated ws as possible, and do 10-year series, and mugmugmug like siao.tues 6 may:history. ok just memorise all the points for impacts of scientific revolution and cause of industrial revolution and write sample essays and stuff. like SS la, cannot crap well. but SA was super happy-ating cos there was math '_' then chinese '___' then geog '_____' so history was at least comparatively ok. oh and I gotta ask jess/mr ganesh how to write nicely. like I really can't tell the diff between a quite good essay and a not so good one you know. it 7 may:math. math. math. math. the one two. the [not] only. but the killer too. ohcrap I just realised I don't know what topics are tested. but definitely stats, which are so screwed, I didn't do like ANY ws at all please. with its screwy graphical representations and all. and functions, of which I am vaguely starting to somewhat get. but quadratic ones are argh. and I just can't do graphs. grah and the differentiation thing is cheem[er than most other parts]. okay this day I will die if I don't already die on physics.thurs 8 may:good luck math ra ppl! smarties anyway. while we shall go out and celebrate the end of the MYAs wheeeeeeeeee! and this means band's gonna start again soon! :DI've been listening japanese graffiti from I to X. but i'm missing XIII does anyone have? anw I realise like ALL of them have sax solo/soli parts la. *big grin* and a lot of brass. and there're some parts with like this thing which I cannot make out whether it's a guitar or a saxophone with a very bad (in my opinion, in comparison to the symphonic sound) tone. O.o II is cute! V is happy. I don't really like american graffiti. ): they have songs like entertainer in them though which is quite cute haha. EH WE SHOULD BUSK ENTERTAINER OMG! :D and kejia wants to do ensemble quartet (woodwind ensemble, insted of sax, has... horn. pft.). omg scary. gotta get auded by mr oura and stuff. I definitely cannot make it. sigh.ok I should go start my mugging regime. grah I don't feel like writing mugging schedule now. I'll hang out at the comp a bit more first. prob won't be able to do so for the next coupla weeks sigh. OHYES and we're playing poe (prince of egypt, for the benefit of some) during hall assembly tomorrow to promote cadenza! go go go okay! joongyan cannot cheat my feelings ah! joni must go because of your connections!Cadenza XI19 July, Saturday3.30pmSCH (Singapore Concert Hall)$12, $16Free seating[edited]
Current repertoire (not in chronological order):AquariumBrazil
Carmen Fantasy
Christmas Scene from the opera La BohemeGlobal VariationsIn A Monastery GardenMetro GnomeRussian Sailors' DanceSelections from "Cats"The CenturionThe PioneersTico-Tico[ensembles][/edited]
-light my way
flump (no relevance whatsoever)
Sunday, 13 April 2008 ;
hello. first of all, sam, cheer up kay? (: we'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour. (: I'm sure we'll be able to find smth that will work out, like I dunno, compromising with them or smth. I know it seems really hopeless, but like jess said, maybe it's just one of their 'phases'. were they like especially pissed for some reason or smth at that time? anw, we will find a way!haha ok and. ouch. I don't really like my new choice haha. it was like completely impromptu k! for some reason. oh cos they didn't have lime green I think. ya but anywayy, the most rawr thing is ouch. he said he was going to tighten especially much so. grah I'm gonna die on tues. prods mouthpiece- can you try to be softer? (ie tofu, not ie piano) ok then I won't be able to make a sound argh. I bet I'll be doing the leaky hose thing again. aurgh which reminds me of my ohsoterrible stamina. in 2.4 as well! sigh.okayy photos! falala. cos facebook is dying on me. though I hate posting pics on blogger rahh. (haha I still haven't found out how to spell the jess-chasing-mynahs sound. like somewhere between rar and rah and rarh -.-)
a regular session. :P (ohmygosh I just realised that the horns ex looks wrong) haha I see my lemons!
sam's chick cheek! (don't ask, that's how she pronounces it.)
the greatest takeaway of our first ever sb lunch! can't believe I forgot abt it till now haha.
haha I think passion is when you start doing stuff like that. when I first started feeling like I really lovelovelovelove rgssb coincides with when I started writing/drawing/arranging it everywhere. :pOHYEAH AND FIRST LOVE IS A REALLY PRETTY SONG! REALLY REALLY REALLY PRETTY! and sup-er (like in sup-er bat) pro. like the flute and oboe is really niceee and the sax is just like woah. :O vibratoOoOoOoOoO. (get the point?) pretty pretty tone. and the trumpet (or trumpetee as gloria calls it to suit its sound) part near the end is O.o. ULTRASONIC. like what frequency 5629052316517. [hey attacking keyboards is fun. wdsfwaeuihgkpguihakagiu.] yeah anw. it's practically like a clar's struggling notes alrd please. O.o in shock. ah and thesaxthesaxthesax! I FELL IN LOVE WITH THE TK SAX THERE AND THEN.haha ora was quite amusing. four times! I mean like four times! how much more _______ can you get. ok jess is worse, 5 times. ok I don't think this sounds like what it's supposed to sound like. it sounds like I'm talking abt ___ ____. haha anw it's a lot worse than ____. :p [haha following jess' advice I shall blank to the appropriate no of letters. yeah but still. it was wonderful! like jaw-dropping. and yujia ah ahyo. heard how you _____ ____ ____ __ and julia had to ____ ___ ___ __ ____ ______. ok this blank thing is pointless. but well. and ohman when I mentioned, ___ _____ __. ___. ohmanohman. does a high pitched xinyi "ohman". haha anw, the rgssb thingy is sadly not very pretty. it's like outta proportion. (to my phone) so I took off the black part and just attached it to my existing cross' hook. whee.[add-on] haha when I see ora, I'm reminded of the "hola!" "huh what?" thing haha. [/add-on]
-light my way
Monday, 7 April 2008 ;
haha friday was amusing. ok sports fest was fine, like note to self: wear lime green and black shoelaces, get green hair accessories, and bring throat lozenges next year. and buckle should have won cheerleading. again. ))): and THEY did instead. again. pft. the wave thing was super cool and coordinated la! well at least we aren't overall last. (:anw, it was more amusing AFTER that. we were eyeing all the ppl going to bugis around us haha and like saying "eh maybe she's one of the people who's gonna be in the same class as us!" "ah she looks smart!" "can look smart one meh?" "can! ahhh! ohno!" lol. and we passed two richard ppl at bugis village, and they WERE the ones! haha I think they may have been a bit lost. I was lost the first time I tried to find my way there too! haha anw it's quite cool, like keyun and I are both from buckle and both from band, and they're both from richard and both from guitar haha.yeah anw, mole concept ahh! it's still ok at this stage la, but starting to get confusing alrd. haha I think she's quite a good teacher (:, but we're quite freaked out of her! and she keeps doing the -.- look hahaha. and she was like "how's band?" O.o. oh and she emphasised that band trips are more impt than family holidays etc, unless you don't care abt band. :\ I do ok! I just don't want to have to go for confirmation camp and be confirmed with a buch of people I don't know in some other church. oh and no lesson next week, so I can go for gym concert yay! hope they haven't passed up the form without me. but so much hw.
ya anw after that, we went to eat at bk cos it was the first eatable place in sight. -.- and the guy serving our queue was like damn SLOW la! we didn't move for like 15min. haha and keyun has the theory that "we queue so long, should buy more!" haha. but we both weren't exactly hungry. then we went bugis street after that, and explored one section. haha if we do that every friday, we'll know the whole of bugis street like the back of our hand by the end of the year! anw, we share the weirdest stuff. like a BK mushroom singles burger! haha the receipt was damn funny-"1 Bk Mushroom Singles 1 Cut Half 1 Small Fries 1 Medium Coke 1 Hershey's Sundae Pie"haha cos we asked them to cut it in half. yeah and even stuff like a PAIR or earrings, which we're gonna wear one each and prob a earstick on the other like batch chalet or some other time when we can haha! yupp then went NLB after that cos keyun needed to borrow programming books. wah I thought NLB was like in some faraway land. it's actually like practically just at the back door of where we were! hope you did well for the competition. (:anddd the GENIUS me didn't realise that my bracket came out for like 7 hrs. as in I was vaguely aware that something was gnawing the left side of my mouth more than usual, but it didn't once occur that THAT could have happened, until I went home and looked into a mirror to brush my teeth! and my dentist is away, so I'll just live with it till saturday. is black and light pink a good combination? I'm saving black and orange for halloween, blue and orange doesn't suit me, black and lime green I'll get before some house event like sports fest haha then it'll match my shoelaces, dark blue and light blue matches my specs but evan says I shouldn't get that. haha well.
-light my way