Wednesday, 28 May 2008 ;
haha can you believe it we are MUGGING for it. and I can't find axon recording! anyone has? ahh! ): no fair, inferno has recording. what's the last one?anw, I spent a long long time reading this concert band site. I blatantly ignored the music and physics section, though I suppose it was moderately interesting la haha. and I mugged and mugged the section on conducting! like stuff to note and functions of the diff hands and assymetrical beats (though my whole song is 4/4) and stuff about engaging a rapport with the players lol.ahh someone tell me how to memorise tempos! X( I'm currently memorising doing certain warmups in them, but that's not accurate cos warmup tempos are flexible. axon has like 6 tempo changes! rawr and I don't get the coda. is it beginning to bar 71, then repeat so 61 to 110 (before coda), then beginning to 61( the S thing), then skip to coda to end? argh confusing. I shall just take chopped parts then. like all those with tempo 84 or smth cos yay I vaguely memorised it now.QUOTE OF THE DAY! "Facial expressions can be an important means of communicating with the ensemble. However, it is probably better to avoid making wild grimaces during intense musical moments." haha omg!
-light my way
haha I was walking home today when suddenly a snatch of all-too-familiar music caught my ears. drumroll... A SONG FOR YOU! hahahaha. I think sgss or plmgs band was playing or smth.and whoo sweeney todd! a bit late haha but I just watched. a very ahem blurred one. haha johnny depp doesn't look hot there (duh he's not supposed to) but he has a hot voice! xDsigh I just can't seem to get down to packing my table which is starting to get beyond recognition as a table, filing the piles and piles of stuff I have which are enough to wallpaper singapore, finishing those hw which were due eons ago, doing those worksheets which had been randomly dumped at us and stuffed away and almost forgotten about, and starting on those [beep] pts.this is like the saddest june hols of my life. although there's band. :D and footdrills. :D and a tempooooo! :D and band camp to look forward to after school reopens. -.- I hope I can break away from my tradition and stop falling sick every band camp. D: I swear it's the ks chee. at least now I have a new thicker sleeping bag, hope it helps the cold some.oh yeah and there's confirmation camp. hope it'll be fun la. spiritual highs! and rarh why do I always end up planning class outings. ok 12 june eastcoastpark lunch till late afternoon cycling+beach. how's that? NO I AM NOT GOING TO PLAN A BBQ forget abourrit. and our class tee is never gonna happen right. ): ok let's just stick with confirmation cohort tee then.and why are people so pro. PRO. ahhh. rashelle and jeremy got that good on hard work completely. no grades no lessons or anything. ahh let's go indiv every mon fri sat and sun. I think my indivs are very non-productive. ): I can't seem to improve my tone or technicalities or anything, cos I can't even get to the point of being able to play some of the songs yet. like the random runup-like things in ticotico, and the last page of carmen.I. SUCK. slurp.ahh someone motivate and inspire me to do something about my screwed life!
-light my way
Tuesday, 27 May 2008 ;
woahmygosh. let's just say a tempo really awakened me haha.
1) to how people I know dress outside of school
rebecca's AWESOME outfit!
yeah cos she say until like her mum forced her liddat, so we were expecting a disgruntled rebecca in a skirt but sneakers, but end up she was the whole thing! feminine blouse (ok this one's not surprising), purple pumps O:, little bimbo handbag, pink watch...
lol! and. why. are. _____. so. _____. ok ______ is an exception hahaha. mhmm. and ______. well and ____. but it was mainly the ____! [making no sense right right right. hey at least the no of underscores corresponds haha.]
2) that gloria's growing up!
ah our little innocent gloria! over the past half a year or so she's been absorbing sickness around her like a sponge. I knew this was gonna happen, I knew it! D: haha. now she has overtaken quite a few people. O: NOOOO! shrieks in agony. the world now has one less innocent person.
yeah and it's not just that! hahaha hot jap guy! xD argh I kept bursting our into silent laughter today at random times when that popped up in my mind. haha apparently he's not that hot la. [random] someone was saying we should all get like wigs/highlights before cadenza haha. holiday what! but I bet they won't allow. [/random] haha and another thing of not much relevance to this part: yujia and her flautist guy! xD tsk ah sbms!
3) of the awesome playing that exists in the world. :D
awestruck. awestruck. awestruck. ok I shall not make the mistake yujia made and give wrong ideas everywhere. X) yeah anw they were really really really pro la. like ZOMGGG pro. ahh. INFERIORITY COMPLEX. digs hole and buries self. cries into gloria's shoulder.
ohya anw, the first love ultrasonic trumpet part is a cadenza I think. so apparently everytime jinjun plays it's different. haha and today we were sitting under the escalator (as usual) and we heard first love (as in the actual one, the one with lyrics) being played haha. oh and we concluded sometime near the end of last year that the short-lived agreement between 77th street and the boutique beside it for only one of them to play a song at one time. (yeah we made that up) but really, it's aural torture to listen to the fusion of western rap/pop and chinese songs.
4) ____+______
no comments. haha.
5) that people are really despo? hahaha.
tingwei told me that her friend paid $17 to see aguy. -.- seriously. haha and gloria and yujia are damn funny la, both brought little pairs of binoculars to stare and gawk. O.o haha though I admit to borrowing it to use once. haha and I managed to kinda spot! xD a bit zo denged though. but it was super clear! oh crap I just realised the second part of this paragraph kinda just put me into the category of the people I'm mentioning. NO HONEST I'M NOT.
haha ok. shall go soon. falala. gotta wake up early again tml rawr. then hang around my bro's sch for a coupla hours waiting for him to finish his whatever class then take bus back with him. -.- talk abourra (ok this is not gonna work out. about it. abourrit. about a. abourra?) waste of time. don't even have hot guys around. xD ok I was kidding. KIDDING!
p.s. no sam I WAS NOT OBSESSING! yujia's worse. and it is justifiable lor! haha but __ __ ____.
-light my way
Friday, 9 May 2008 ;
whee baking! omg feel so successful please. ((: moment of silence reminiscing last year's. hope next year's will be even better! aww we didn't do green muffins after all! XD okie picturesss! :D
this is my all-time favourite! how many people can say they've made such a au-naturel smiley!
ICE AGE! sam I suggest you rescue your freezer now. like now.
mmmmm! and look at the (somewhat) OCD arrangement![tries to spot Monster. he/she/it wasn't in this batch is it?]
I TOTALLY KNEW SOMETHING LIKE THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN. TOTALLY. that was half the oats. and it was a HUGE container, mind you.
haha this is nice as well! steeky cookiees. and jess' amused look!
whooo! guess which's whose. hope they're nice! ((:note: the other process ones are censored. ok no they're on facebook for those who choose to look. but to whom it may concern, we suggest you finish eating all of them first.okayy. rgp band tml. seriously hope they're not dead. ok this is quite scary. I'm feeling very unfeeling. wait that does not make sense. I mean like very impassionate abourrit. sighh.andandand HUGE thanks goes to joanne who's going for $21 a tempo even though her sb won't be with her, and also to evan who's going for $21 as well though I think she only knows me (and sam) and isn't in band! (omg the cousins! hahahaha. I still think that's so cool. but _____ and ______ was freakier!)
-light my way
Wednesday, 7 May 2008 ;
ahh they're over! OVER! but they had to wonderfully end off with maths. ): why couldn't it have been smth like physics which would have made us freak out before it but even happier after it cos it was much easier than expected! rawr. and it was so depressing that we didn't go to the netball courts to do cartwheels and freestyle jumps and spins after all. haha.and the wonderful school decided to make us have to go on friday. like what? hope it's miscommunication. sigh most of us will prob pon anw. ahh so sad I can't go for the (possible and currently unconfirmed) batch outing tml cos I'm going ice skating with evan joni angie lisa miin! and ohmann so sad I wasn't allowed to sleepover today. D: I MISS MAUU! haha I've a pic of him on my phone which evan sent to me. the coming out of the cage and staring straight at the cam one! haha and I miss making you climb the amplified ladder thingy! :p let's all go to your place after ice skating or smth!haha I've been eating weird things. the old chang kee currypuff which had some really rubbery ELASTIC EGG in it. O.o and the concentrated clam chowder jelly! oh and the sarsi flavoured malt candy. haha but that wasn't too bad.
gosh I've been getting hooked on facebook! never thought I'd say that. haha evan I beat your brain size! xD and the "don't make a band geek mad, they have a band mafia" flair! :D it's under popular haha so cool. oh one of the guys who helped film from the 50 yardline passed away from cancer. )': and deborah de souza also is it? ohmann.haha I realised that I love my jeans! it's like the only quit proper length and waist one, a lot of jeans are like made for freaky ano models or smth. -.- and it's colour's ok, neutral colour scheme, and really really comfy! I was very tempted to fall asleep in it that day but I succumbed to obedience and changed to shorts haha.ohyes ohyes anw, PEOPLE!A Tempo XIXRaffles Junior College Symphonic Band26 May, 7.30pmEsplanade$13/17/21 (including sistic fee)pleasepleaseplease go okay! :D
-light my way
So You Think You Can Dance!
Thursday, 1 May 2008 ;
haha why am I doing this. evan all your fault! xD's damn pro! like really really! this is super sweet haha.ok shall run off now.
-light my way