Friday, 27 March 2009 ;
we can count the number of days to syf on one hand. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.haha anw, today some guy came to help us with sax, he's coming again on sat I think. I LIKE THE LIGATURE (: haha and laughs at jolyn :p wayyyy better though xD okay I am not making sense whee. oh and kejia came back, crystalbel too (:haha oh I learnt a new awesome pickup line!"if I could rearrange the letters of the keyboard, I would put U and I together."credits mark tang!woahmygosh I should seriously be doing history and math now. I can't believe I just did that damn long note on fb haha. actually I can, crap.yeesh, I don't like this post.neckache! (from comp) arm muscleaches! (from chairs, stands, sop etc) and lately I've been getting headaches quite often/easily. late nights+motion sickness lah.ok I have no inspiration. or anything corny or wheaty (witty, as like everyone didn't gerrit that time during SS haha -.-).haha ok wtv. JIAYOU FOR SYF EVERYONE! everyone. (: haha I like our date man.
-light my way
Tuesday, 24 March 2009 ;
I did it again! same, but percentages different I think. I rmb my E was 1 last time.
Your Type is ESFP
Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
33 50 38 56
Artisan™ Portrait of the Performer (ESFP)Performers have the special ability, even among the Artisans, to delight those around them with their warmth, their good humor, and with their often extraordinary skills in music, comedy, and drama. Whether on the job, with friends, or with their families, Performers are exciting and full of fun, and their great social interest lies in stimulating those around them to take a break from work and worry, to lighten up and enjoy life.
Performers are plentiful, something over ten percent of the population, and this is fortunate, because they bring pleasure to so many of us. Performers are the people for whom it can truly be said "all the world's a stage." Born entertainers, they love the excitement of playing to an audience, and will quickly become the center of attention wherever they are. Performers aren't comfortable being alone, and seek the company of others whenever possible-which they usually find, for they make wonderful playmates. Performers are smooth, talkative, and witty; they always seem to know the latest jokes and stories, and are quick with wisecracks and wordplay-nothing is so serious or sacred that it can't be made fun of. Performers also like to live in the fast lane, and seem up on the latest fashions of dress, food, drink, and music. Lively and uninhibited, Performers are the life of the party, always trying to create in those around them a mood of eat, drink, and be merry.
The Performers' talent for enjoying life is healthy for the most part, though it also makes them more subject to temptations than the other types. Pleasure seems to be an end in itself for them, and variety is the spice of life. And so Performers are open to trying almost anything that promises them a good time, not always giving enough thought to the consequences.
Like the other Artisans, Performers are incurably optimistic - "Always look on the bright side," is their motto - and they will avoid worries and troubles by ignoring them as long as possible. They are also the most generous of all the types, and second only to the Composer Artisans [ISFPs] in kindness. Performers haven't a mean or stingy bone in their body-what's theirs is yours-and they seem to have little idea of saving or conserving. They give what they have to one and all without expectation of reward, just as they love freely, and without expecting anything in return. In so many ways, Performers view life as an eternal cornucopia from which flows an endless supply of pleasures.
Elizabeth Taylor, John Goodman, Marylin Monroe, Judy Garland, Magic Johnson, Pablo Picasso, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Elvis, and Leonard Bernstein are examples of Performer Artisans.
"Where's the party?" ESFPs love people, excitement, telling stories and having fun. The spontaneous, impulsive nature of this type is almost always entertaining. And ESFPs love to entertain -- on stage, at work, and/or at home. Social gatherings are an energy boost to these "people" people.
SPs sometimes think and talk in more of a spider-web approach. Several of my ESFP friends jump from thought to thought in mid-sentence, touching here or there in a manner that's almost incoherent to the listener, but will eventually cover the waterfront by skipping on impulse from one piece of information to another. It's really quite fascinating.
ESFPs are attracted to new ideas, new fashions, new gadgets, new ______. Perhaps it's the newness of life that attracts ESFPs to elementary education, especially to preschool and kindergarten.
ESFPs love to talk to people about people. Some of the most colorful storytellers are ESFPs. Their down-to-earth, often homespun wit reflects a mischievous benevolence. Almost every ESFP loves to talk. Some can be identified by the twenty minute conversation required to ask or answer a simple factual question.
Extraverted SensingThe dominant function of ESFPs is concerned with the reality that is perceived through the senses. This type's prime directive is to examine the tangible through taste, touch, sight, feeling and hearing. ESFPs' need for new experiences surely results from this function. Feeling gives focus to the collected information, producing the amiable nature of this type. As perceivers, ESFPs do not linger on moral concerns unless it is in service of a Greater Good and/or a unifying cause.
Famous ESFPs:Saint Mark (Christ's disciple)
Dale Evans
Gracie Allen
Bob Hope
Eva Gabor
Willard Scott
Goldie Hawn
Kyle Petty
Arsenio Hall
Mary Lou Retton
Kathy Lee Gifford
Steve Irwin
Woody Harrelson (Cheers)
Fictional ESFPs:Tim "The Toolman" Taylor(Home Improvement)
Cody (Step By Step)
Mrs. Pumphrey (James Herriot, All Creatures Great and Small)
CAREERSWhile Artisans might not consciously substitute the words "Finding Freedom and Action" for the Baby Boomer phrase, "Finding Your Passion," these are driving forces behind an Artisan's need to find life satisfaction.
Artisans are usually pretty independent. However, some do seek leadership positions. The two most likely Artisans to seek leadership are the Promoter (ESTP) and the Performer (ESFP). In fact, the book Presidential Temperament by Ray Choinierre and David Keirsey (1992) names Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton as Artisans. The Promoter is a tougher negotiator than the Performer who manages with a great deal of charm.
The Performer, like the Promoter, can also be good in sales, sports, or entertainment. They usually spend a little more time with the customer than the Performer and enjoy the conversation so much that they sometimes have to be reminded to close the sale. They may find careers in the entertainment industry as a performer, promoter, or musician. In business they can be a PR specialist, a fund-raiser, or a labor relations mediator. Says Brigitta, an emergency room nurse, "Some people might find my job too stressful, but I like having to act fast. I'm good at calming people down while I'm dealing with their medical problems. Every day is different."
RELATIONSHIPS"Girls just wanna have fun" is a great motto for Artisan women. They treat romance as they do the rest of their lives - an exciting titillating game. Flirting is a high art form for them as they encourage and discourage the opposite sex. When being wooed, they enjoy novelty, grand gestures, and spontaneity. They dislike the boring and predictable and fear getting in a rut. Artisan women tend to be sensual and enjoy giving and receiving physical affection.
Lillian, an Artisan Performer (ESFP), was popular in high school. She dated a lot of guys but eventually became tired of fending off unwanted sexual advances. She had a steady boyfriend for two years. When he admitted he wasn't sure if he loved her, she immediately ended the relationship. Now married with children, Lillian enjoys a rich and varied sex life which she initiates almost as often as he. She's very concerned about keeping up her looks and is disgusted because she's gained 30 pounds. Her husband, though, actually enjoys her curves.
SCHOOLUnlike Guardians who protect their study area, Artisans often don't have a particular area at all. They are likely to use their study area as a place to store everything needed, but they are unlikely to spend much time there. Their study area is likely to look very disorganized, but often the Artisan student can find anything within a few seconds.
Artisans are also likely to want to study while texting friends, listening to their ipods, and watching TV. Current research says that this kind of multi-tasking is very unproductive. However, there is a difference between trying to do many different things at one time and using music and physical activity as an aide to help learn. Many Artisans find they can't concentrate in complete silence.
Performers (ESFP) are social learners. Studying with others helps them concentrate. When they work by themselves, they are the most likely of the Artisans to need to be listening to music. Jill is really good at creating funny poetry using the facts. The more she has fun with the material, the more she remembers.
-light my way
Sunday, 22 March 2009 ;
back from campppp! haha it was not drop-dead amazing, or mind-blowingly great, but it was awesome all the same haha. :D zomg when I arrived sam was the only girl there amongst like nearly 10 guys lol. but more girls came in slowly over the camp la haha. it was totally an in-out camp, like very few ppl actually stayed all the way throughout the entire duration haha. I had to leave for dental. and I missed sister act! D: I wanna watch. whoo but I got the gist after appearing in time for the concert part haha. we should totally do that man. set, after syf!eh haha omg timsoo is my neighbourrr! wah took damn long to find out haha. [lol zomg we're like reliving playground days memories now xD kensington is awesome man! :D] anw, food was great, we seriously have to thank uncle joshua and uncle jeff haha. :D lol kenneth and his "I came cos I thought got free food." hm what else. oh icebreakers were okayy haha. games was quite not bad though it was kinda male-dominated haha. captains ball! rule-less! standing behind captain rocks man. but being short sucks haha.sessions were not bad. (: I didn't know they are given a topic to share on one! P&W wheeee. besides the fact that I cannot sing to save my life. D: okay if someone says sing or I'll kill you I would but if it's sing nicely or I'll kill you then goodbye world. yay we now know more action songs! xD but who can forget vivienne and her dip dip. :p haha group sharing was quite amusing, relatively participative la haha. argh and I need to stop spacing out during mass and stuff. D: and I think this was the first (?) time I fell asleep for a bit in the ado room! *insert scrunched face here which if I do would screw up the html* and I need to learn a lot of lyrics man. esp the novena stuff.then whee we went for dinnerrrrr! :D not bad attendance, we choked up a whole row of macs tables. and started singing give thanks as grace omg! ppl were staring at us like crazy haha. OHYES HAVE I MENTIONED THAT GERARD IS SERIOUSLY FULL OF SHIT HAHA. damn funny man. xD thinks ba ba, er zi, he hao gui. and your chen zhi shui. anw, treat your wife better can! if not I'll elope with her again! haha you're a damn bad senior and QM can lol. and woah quite bad huh, church camp then talk about all those sick stuff. :/ we-ll. then we went park! and david's phone was on high demand haha. we didn't exactly do much ahya. er cept singing a lot on the way! the fake vibrato thing lol, it totally freaked random innocent ppl out I think. haha and I was the only girl among like five drunk guys zomg wth hahaha. (ok fine some were sane ahem.) which also meant my octave in P&W was super extra! then plus the fact that I can't sing. and I can't break out of falsetto ARGH. haha anw, david gerard jonpong ch'ng walked me home lol! I am quite amused. and super gratefulllll! :D haha. samuel went the other direction. ahh I feel damn bad cos they all went kinda out of their way heh. and they went all the way up lol, wanted to see my parents' reactions hahaha, like suddenly go home flanked by four random guys. gerard wanted to uh, sing, ba ba ma ma, wo men ba ni de nu er dai hui lai. like lol wth! PHAIL CHINESE FTW!yay anw camp was damn fun la haha. fuzziessssss! :D I feel so awesome now. I'm like a super efficient fuzzy-writer! ok next to samuel haha. DAMN PRO, GUY LEH! haha. ok that was damn sexist. but really! ahh and sorry vick and claire haha, they super concernedly waited with me until I finished fuzzies at like 1+am. uncle joshua too! and I woke up around 7 to do hw haha. win! ok though I didn't manage to do much. :/ more like, nothing. lol damn funny la, practically noone woke up, the schedule was pushed back like, what, an hour plus haha.okay. now back to life. how annoying. I REALLY LOVE CAMPS YOU KNOW. even phail ones like our sec 2 camp, in the sense that it lets me escape all the usual crappy stuff like hw and mugging etc heh. obs esp lah, that was like, amazing, waking up to sand and sea and all. church camps are awesome, cos you get to spend the time with God too! haha and okay I want to learn soccer ahh. and I need to start keeping up with! andandand I WISH HIGHS COULD LAST FOREVER. ):
-light my way
Sunday, 15 March 2009 ;
haha whee back from band camp.omg when i came back I was like I NEED A COLD DRINK NOWWWW so I looked for jolly shandy which I knew we had somewhere in the storeroom but there was no peach, only lychee. D: then I saw pepsi so I was like AWESOME haha then I took my cup which smelled funny after one day of unuse and cos I wanted to uh enjoy my pepsi to the fullest I washed it with soap which happened to be lemon then I sniffed it and I was like omg it would actually go nice with the pepsi haha. ok crap that was damn random. ignoreignore.-
anw, band camp was good luh, chill gloria! :Dwhee batch lunch at fareast was funny.batch auds were okayy la haha. we din't make any MAJOR mistakes. I was asking gloria what she thought we'd get if everyone played the way they did then she was like gold with honours cos there was the mood though the technical stuff weren't really good, which is like ehh?bathing was acceptable. I survived without much suffering! not bad for a person who bathes in hot water and sauna-fies the bathroom every time. I think there actually was some sort of a heater la, albeit a hardly noticeable one. haha about sitting on the toilet bowl to bathe xD anw, I brought the oxy sample they threw at us! cos too much for one person to use at one time. I used a bit, yujia used a bit, gloria didn't cos she alrd washed her face inside. then I threw the rest away D: haha it was quite amusing to hear eeiyn's tortured screams of agony at the water temperature :pand yujia was like displaying her unmentionables to us lol! like she was like "what's this doing here?" *takes out underwear* *looks at our O.o expressions* "why are you looking at my underwear!" hahaha cos you happily exhibited it to us dear!
and hahahaha the "when you bathe, which side do you face?" (front or back facing toiletbowl/waterstream) "um, depends on what I'm washing." xDfood was good (: quite balanced meal la haha. I liked the chicken! and gloria you need to eat more veggies rawr. we didn't really section bond though heh cos by the time our sb came the rest were leaving haha. LOL the "when we are dismissed tmr we'll be disBANDed" thing.
then night surprise! argh we were super unprepared D: sorryyyyy. they ended up having to do like 30min of ftds, while we tried to light candles like crazy with the wind blowing them out for abt 15min then sprinted like crazy to bring the candles to a more sheltered area and start lighting them again in the sweltering enclosed area for another 15min. emo talk was so not emo talk argh. our batch can like emo but not emo-fy. (if that makes sense) but pretty (:
haha then we watched turandot! I think it's not bad yay. it's super morbid though :/ we must now infuse more emotion into our playing! I like liu! I think her story is super sad D: haha the ending is quite lame, like suddenly she likes him. I doubt that was what puccini was planning. omg ping pang pong! xD heh at least we managed to watch more than la boheme, and it was prob more effective. seeing that the super majestic chromatic runup at W was to a lady screeching about her ankle -.- anw I got mosquito bites! I think they were frm night surprise.
okay then sleeping! mushys wheeee. btwbtw, this is the FIRST TIME I slept in the ks chee for band camp and didn't fall sick! :D like sec1 was appendicitis, I was like writhing with pain. then sec2 it was either cos it was so damn cold that triggered a fever (plus not drinking enough water) or cos I was already getting a fever that made it even more damn cold. sec3 we slept at gym, freaking hot haha. this time, as usual, super hot at the start then in the middle of the night it'd become super cold. lol it was quite amusing, those of us smsing in our sleeping bags emitted glows. apparently there was talia and gloria, then me and sam beside each other haha. [and sam! tell me! ahhhh! rawr!] haha I think I was one of the last to stop. it was quite annoying haha, everytime I replied I had to duck under my sleeping bag where it was super hot. but well (: slept on my hoodie as a pillow and hugged my mushy (which once telepoted to sam without either of us noticing somehow haha). jess totally flattened her mushy by sleeping on it the entire night! haha ok anw I think the floor gives good sleeping posture zomg, unlike my sofa. I was surprisingly well rested! :D
kay then section breakfast! yay for section bonding. haha we (quite successfully la) played ding dong, da xi (shi!) gua xiao xi gua, and hi harry (with one dot, two dots etc). whoo I think our estimation not bad, two plain milks, one choc milk, one big pack of blueberry morning. :D finished all I think! clars suck hahahaha. BLUEBERRY MORNING IS THE LOVE. omg one day they should combine two big sections and get the humongous alphabits thing! I think it's damn cute la. and they can totally start spelling stuff like I LOVE RGSSB!then gamessssss! :D omg why was I group leader! haha anw, this year they were at least not so cliched la yay (: like the one about standing in a row on the row of newspapers, then arrange ourselves in certain orders. siti's station the duck walking part was killer! OUCH LEG MUSCLES haha. and the one at the field, I PHAIL at pouting zomg haha. I kinda ended up cheating lol. and the human knot one we somehow got out damn easily! I think we didn't mess up properly haha. and yunshu cheat! dump more hulahoops on us hahaha. whee I think we definitely got to know our group members a bit better. indiana jones ftw!(to the tune of raider's march)we are jones, indiana joneswe like to eat ice cream coneslook at us, so very tonedand we own, we own, we OWNINDIANa jones!whoooooooo!:Dhaha we kept seeing the dora the explorer cheer.after that was mutual sharing. omg why was I leader for this too! anw I combined with yujia haha. hmm quite effective la, last time it was always at night and ended up being ghost story telling sessions. but our group was quite quiet! (omg I just realised that quite and quiet have the same letters ahahaha)kay then was syf initiatives! thanks sam for everything (: band, thank sam for her envelopes+bluetac+paper! haha whee I did relatively nicely-designed notes :D but I didn't really write much plus the handwriting was horrible :/ omg I love the dark red paper don't you love the dark red paper you must love the dark red paper :D this year we kinda made everyone write to like 1) person in section but not in batch 2) person you don't know well (not in your section not in you batch) 3) person according to a buddy list. and we strongly encouraged replying so hope it's more successful than previous ones! whee I shall reply the notes soon. ahh and I still have to do syf notes (the actual day ones) and presents! ladida. this year's songs so hard to use la sigh. unlike CHRISTMAS scene and SUNRISE. and I can't believe our syf is on 1st april ie april fool's and also ie yingjun's bday hahaha. and according to mr oura it's same day and time as ri's but theirs is one week later.haha anw whee band camp was really fun la (: though very short ): not even 24 hrs! but not much to do anw haha. or maybe should have made it longer then have like batch bonding, section interaction etc haha. :D-
sigh after band camp I had to rush for tuition. was 1/2 hr late O.o oops. anw after that my parents brought me to eat northern indian food at little india haha. it took like 1hr to find some place my mum was looking for or smth, sian, but it was nice haha! (: we got tandoori chicken, veggie curry, mutton curry (I think it was manchurian style or smth) and fish curry (which was quite salty). the curries were thick and good! :D but I downed a total of two glasses of cold water at regular intervals haha.then after that walked to mustafa. on the way we went into some department store (?) thing and I was like OMG. there were more shoes than I've ever seen in one place in my life. :O rack upon rack upon rack. haha and I saw quite cool looking sneakers, but upon closer inspection, I realised they were like hello kitty. OMG traumatised! haha by the time we got to mustafa was like quite late alrd lor. then my mum got stuck in mustafa too (btw jess I looked for _ but they're all damn ex!) and I got home at like 12, just in time to wish...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR EVAN! I've known you for like seven years now, and thanks for always being such an awesome friend whoooo! lovuu (and mauu :D)!-
haha whee it's exchange tmr! looking forward to seeing ppl :D pam transferred to tuba omgomg I've never known anyone who's been in four diff sections in band haha.and then there's op smile bonding session whee haha. get to see kat and kelly and roxanne again! :D omg I am damn sad can, we've to change seats the coming term. D: I LOVE TAR!kay now off to do um philo FA and tuition hw. sighhhhhhhhhhh.bye! (:[add] ohyes, some quotes. from an inspirational photoframe I saw at mustafa: "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be." hm quite interesting to think about (: and from tim soo today: "Maybe God is calling us to love the bitches." haha wth! today's yc talkcocksession was amusingggg. [/add]and good luck all for SYF! (:
-light my way
Thursday, 12 March 2009 ;
hohoho it's march. already.LEARNING JOURNEYS HAHAHAHAHA CAMWHORING guys are awesome! :Dandandand I'm totally in love with the phrase:"he was a dark and stormy knight".HAHA IT'S SO EPIC RIGHT.anw yeah we must have our veryawesomewaycooltotallyepic GROUP DATE soon! :Dstart shortlisting places and activities okay!and woahmygosh hols are TAKEN UP much. (crap roxanne and her caps are influencing me haha) okay let's start from lj.mon was science, which was ok because marina barrage is awesomely photogenic (HAHA pretty nut = pistaCHIO zomgzomg).tues batch's english feminism talk thingy was like wth, but I spent the time bluetoothing roxanne so HAHA. free smsing! :D and after that was the awesomeeeee trip to holland v and cold rock (RIPOFF DAMMIT) and all the camwhoring during. then went back to indiv haha, then um searcheddd unproductively, and chionged to bishan. whee bubbletea haha. peanut waffle! (: WAFFLES WU HAHA eh seriously ah, where did that come from?tmr's op smile meeting, I'm leaving halfway for geog lj (which I bloody hope is not like last year's la). then get back for manning bandroom plus indiv, obviously. ARGH I CANNOT MAKE MY TWO DIGIT NUMBER. D: jess reached 10 hours ahhh.okay anw, then fri morn (if I wake up ahem) and aftnoon will be like chionging hw/ catching up with stuff like trigo (@*&!$#). oh and stations, if I can make it. then late aftnoon band camp wheeeee.till sat, then chiong for tuition argh.sun church + yg as mon will be exchange haha. whee.then tues wed thurs (nearly) full day pracs.fri cohort camp (of which I doubt many ppl will go D:),sat aftnoon we're leaving to like ehm pon some sessions, but for tuition okay! oh oh and joanne's not going. D:sun once again.THERE GOES MY LJ AND HOLS.and anw I seriously have never sweared sworn(?) before okay! the ONLY time was like when I was singing fort minor then it slipped out. shockhorror. *cues wings and halo*omg we should start thinking of more camwhore shots (OMG BUT NO MORE LJs TOGETHER! D: D: FOREVER! D:) and planning group date! and the date for group date!damn, this post has terrible organisation/formatting haha. argh whatever.[20; 8]
-light my way