Saturday, 25 September 2010 ;
karma gets around in the end!I had an incredibly suay day on thursday. like seriously okay. first a very important person didn't come to school D: and then we went to 7-11 during phys lecture to buy smth specially to get the mr men keychain, and then we didn't get! D: apparently it was out of stock. then my contact lens fell out during math lecture -.- and then the highlight of the day where my entire ice cream plopped onto the ri canteen floor (I'm sure the guy who served it didn't push it into the cone rarhhh) and as I was eating the plain cone like a sad kid it bwoke ): *piang* okay no, but you get the point. then it wonderfully started raining yay so I couldn't go back early to join my very important person at home, but at least I was quite productive in library haha. anyway, there were various other wavy (i.e. sway aka suay, for the uninitiated) stuff over the day as well. *pouts*oh well. I didn't particularly have a great day on friday, but one thing made me very happy :D
:D :D :D I went to 7-11 with sandra after aspen, and asked if they had those keychain thingums, and when sandra bought fruitips they asked if we were buying specially to get them so I said haha partly and they gave us two! and I was looking for mr bump and sandra got it so she traded with me ahh thankyouuu (: yay I'm really super happy with those I have now. and mr happy is still the best people, so there! hahaha and mr nosey can't help being phallic xDhaha nothing big, but we gotta appreciate the simple things in life yeah? :D okay back to mugging sigh, jiayous da jia!
[add] ohmygoodness I'm seriously lucky I hope I haven't used up all my luck on mh and the like before promos :/ I thought my tower run was confirm hopeless already, like, I was on 80% for knight-bishop, and like 50% for my first rook? but yeah I got my second rook :O and switched to sb and the catch right after that was a queen zomg. at 20%! king king king pweesh :D [/add]
-light my way
thewholeworldlookslikeshit whenyoulieinbedandnotsleepforsevenhours
Friday, 3 September 2010 ;
haha I decided to honour the tone of my originally intended post in the title. but anyways, I'm better now after some, but definitely still not enough sleep haha. and much thanks to everyone who offered me advice (: but seriously, the world was like blue-grey throughout yesterday. compared to like a sunny yellow-pink-cyan on wednesday, even though there were rainclouds! it looked way more like shit than when I stayed up for physics pt that fateful night in rg, but I guess it's cos I was actually EXPECTING to sleep.haha yesterday was seriously, well. ok but my mood was uber changed by the end of the day. luckily to be honest! I don't think I could have survived more negative waves. *splooshsploosh* yeah anyway, I think I had a spiritual experience or something haha, lying on the yoga mat listening to, uh, those yoga music things? s'been a long time man, but I really felt better (: haha and you know how sometimes you're so high on life you're scared it's all just gonna come crashing down? well maybe sometimes God lets you plunge so He can show you the beauty of rising again. not that it's been that extreme on either end for me, life ain't perfect but I still have people I love around :D but it just occurred haha, so all you people who feel helpless and hopeless- smile, there're still the little things, and it's gonna go up again (:okay I shall uh chiong compre and aq and rush off to school now heh. ciao friends, all the best to everyone with promos and pw looming!
-light my way